help with logitech GT setting for NFSS

23 Nov 2009
North Leicestershire
i'm having a mare trying to get the setting right with this game it either feels too loose/unresponsive or way over exaggerated i've got the logitech device manager installed along with the in game setting and i still can't get the balance right. Anyone out there willing to share a few setting for me to try don't matter what wheel you use i'll give them a go anyway .

many thanks
I've got a DFGT and couldn't get the game to handle sensibly with it either. I just think the game handling model is horribly unrealistic, but not a decent arcade model either. I'm not sure how to get it handling better, despite having tried some G25 settings from the NFS Shift time attack thread. You could look there for a starting point.
I've got a DFGT and couldn't get the game to handle sensibly with it either. I just think the game handling model is horribly unrealistic, but not a decent arcade model either. I'm not sure how to get it handling better, despite having tried some G25 settings from the NFS Shift time attack thread. You could look there for a starting point.

got it sorted now took a bit of time fiddling with ingame settings and the logitech gaming software panel. Set the in game to experienced and adjusted a lot of stuff feels great especially when drifting round corners.

using the center spring option in the logitech software really helps a lot and keeps the realism there it also stops the twitching on the 200mph straights
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