Help with new system please

3 Apr 2017
Hi guys,

I'm looking at building a new tower to comfortably run "Playerunknown Battkegrounds" and similar games.

I did build build my own pc many moons ago but I'm struggling with where to start from and I'd like to spend as little as possible.

Any input would be appreciated as I'm really unsure, especially with which cpu and mobo to go with.

see if you can get a few more comments... if possible I would stretch to an i5 and a gtx1060
Is it worth buying any of these parts 2nd hand to bring the price down or is that a waste of money? Surely I could buy a better spec pc this way for the same price.
Better start getting the overtime in either way lol!
possibly but I wouldn't touch fleabay for anything decent, and u don't have access to members market
yes, as the idea is for you to buy from OCUK and not 2nd hand. the 1000 posts would mean you have been here for a long time and probably already spent quite a bit with ocuk already
OK well maybe I'll scrap that idea then! Any idea what sort of settings I'll be able to run games like h1z1 and pubg at with this build? I'll hopefully be buying the majority of the parts on Saturday from ocuk anyway as they seem to be amongst the cheapest I've seen online.
ive done another with skylake as cheap as possible. you might need to do some research, and look on you tube to see how battelgrounds plays with a 2gb 1050. ive put a single SSD thas on offer it probably wont last but the kingston is a similar price, using the stock coole supplied with CPU, cheaper mobo, cheaper case.

My basket at Overclockers UK:

Total: £502.23
(includes shipping: £12.30)

i have left out windows, you could try a fleabay code but no guranteee, i have used them with no issues.

assume you have monitor keyboard and mouse?
you will have to do your own research on how the games play. to be honest, i would get a GTX 1060 and an i5 CPU, i would at least try and get the 1050ti with 4gb

i use a GTX1060 6gb for battlegrounds and plays fine. dont forget its Alpha and not optimised
Is there any reason I couldn't use the 4gb 1050 you linked before with this setup? I'd need to get hold of a keyboard and mouse but I'm not bothered about anything too fancy as I can upgrade them at any time. I think I have my old monitor in the loft too and again I can upgrade this at a later date, I just want to the tower so I can actually play some games :D
no, you can mix and match most things.. use the first 4g GPU

just for info here are some kb and mice.. the Steelseries have got some good deals on at the moment. I have the cougar kb and mouse on a second pc and they are fine too

My basket at Overclockers UK:

Total: £124.46
(includes shipping: £10.50)

its a tricky one, as the i3 have a high clock speed, so for single and dual core games there will be better, the entry level i5 have a lower clock speed but 4 cores. I guess unless you go for the high end skylake i5 6600 or on the kabylake i5 7600 for the first system, you may as well stick with the i3. As you have a few days left. it might be worth putting an additional post in CPUs and link to this thread and see how they repsond. Im surprised i am the only person who has repsonded to this thread. You may find more replys after work tonight
might be willing to sell my cpu, board and ram if your willing to go second hand. I have an upgrade itch that needs to be scratched.

Sorry if thats against the rules.

It is definitely against the rules. That is why the Members Market exists.
Hi guys,

I'm looking at building a new tower to comfortably run "Playerunknown Battkegrounds" and similar games.

I did build build my own pc many moons ago but I'm struggling with where to start from and I'd like to spend as little as possible.

Any input would be appreciated as I'm really unsure, especially with which cpu and mobo to go with.


I would wait a week to see the Ryzen 5 6c/12t CPUs. You might get more for your money compared to an i3 or an i5. Because they can overclock, you can get the more advance Wraith cooler for few quid and good boards start at £80. Leaving you more money for GPU.
I can wait for the right deal but was really hoping to be up and running next week sometime. Should probably do a bit more research myself before just jumping straight into it but I'm excited to be part of the master race again :)
I don't really want to be spending more than £700 on the tower so I'm guessing ryzen will be well out of my price range but I can wait and see if any prices drop when it's released. Is there any benefit in getting AMD over Intel? Could it work out cheaper?
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