Help with troubleshooting

27 Aug 2004
I am having trouble with regular bluescreens recently. Initially I was getting a BSOD about PFN_LIST_CORRUPT, this may have been down to running without a pagefile (as I have 8 Gb RAM).

After doing this the BSOD message changed to MEMORY_MANAGEMENT.

To try and troubleshoot this I have downloaded Memtest86. The ISO I have downloaded has version 3.5 and 3.4 in it. When I boot off the CD I get to the Memtest menu choose an option and it then just sits at the menu screen with the last line saying Loading Memtest35... Ready.

Am I missing something here? My specs are in my signature.

Thanks in advance.
That is just it nothing changed. I am not overclocked on anything at the moment. The first time I had the error was while playing the recently released Wolfentstein game. Now I get blue screen just browsing the web.

When it first happend I took off the 3 most recent windows updates and stopped anymore going on this seemed to help. However over the past few days it is getting more frequent.
I have burned another copy of memtest on a different pc. I can still not get past the Memtest menu screen. I have tried just having 1 of the 2gb sticks but I cannot get past the menu.

I am in the process of testing each of the four modules in turn using the Windows Memory Diagnostic tool. This works the same way as Memtest in that you boot off a cd.

I have to do each stick on its own as having 4 Gb fills the address space and WMD cannot run properly.

I have run the standard tests against each one and no errors have shown up. I am now trying the extended tests.

Any thoughts as to why Memtest is not running.

Could the issue I am having be a voltage issue as they are all set to auto.
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