Help with Unreal Engine

1 Jan 2013
England Rugby
My apoligies that this isn't actually about coding but my friend wants to use this programme to make games and I was just wondering if its a demanding programme because apperently it is so what does the programme actually rely on like does it need a really powerful cpu or?
First of all I'd be worried about learning C++, than if my machine was powerful enough.

Its not me I'm asking for :/ my friend says he wants to use it and wonders if you need a powerful pc and I didn't know anything about it myself so I thought I'd ask around here. He always want to play games so any decent gaming pc will do right? Or does he need to put his money into a certain part of the pc?
First of all I'd be worried about learning C++, than if my machine was powerful enough.

Unless he is planning to use a licensed version then this really is the wrong advice.

Simple games can be created using kismet, and then if you need to do something a bit more custom you would look at learning unreal script. C++ is only useful if you want complete control over everything where it comes to UDK.

@WilliamC - Your friend doesn't stand a chance at learning it if he is going in with the mind set of "I like playing games, so it must be easy to make a game!", if he does he will fail. There is a lot to making games, just placing objects in a 3D environment is easy, but creating those 3D objects, texturing them, animating them and then finally applying some gameplay mechanics to them is a whole different ball game.

Many many many hours are needed to create a compelling and fun game that people will actually want to play, games companies don't invest million and millions of pounds into developing games for nothing.

EDIT: Oh and one more thing; if you can't even find the simple system requirements of a piece of software when it's right next to the download options you really shouldn't be using the software.
Unless he is planning to use a licensed version then this really is the wrong advice.
I was being facetious :)

@WilliamC - Your friend doesn't stand a chance at learning it if he is going in with the mind set of "I like playing games, so it must be easy to make a game!", if he does he will fail.
That's the point I was aiming for.
He claims he knows how to use it and I'm not to bothered if he can or can't he wants me to get him a computer so I am. And I haven't looked at it at all, as soon as he said Unreal Engine 3 I just came straight here and thought I'd ask you guys what you'd recommend for it. And Tilluss I'm not using it so your point isn't really valid and I can use any software I like whether I know the system requirements or not. If I wanted to know what It needed I would have just looked but I wanted to see what YOU guys recommended for it. Not them.
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