
14 Jul 2005
Portishead, Bristol
Okay seams to be some amssive confusion going on all round so here's the low-down on the latest finds on my ram.

Just spent ages googling the net and found a OCZ tech surports post from an OCZ guy. By the way mine has the V1.1 in the corner. So what timings and volts should i do to get to 1:1. Slackest 1st being what? As you should have picked up by now and guess i have no balls, brains ideals etc etc to do with RAM so please give all pointers you can.

01-20-2006, 09:11 AM #3 RyderOCZ OCZ Support Staff

We are using TCCD and TCC5

v1.1 (Tiny in lower right hand corner of white sticker) on the PC3200 Rev 2, PC4200, and PC4800 Platinum's are TCC5

v1.0 on the same is TCCD.

Close up of my ram
''Just thought someone would like to know as all you know that these sticks got some insane overclocking potential....''

Found on the same forum i pull the above off!

There is also the possibitly that they could be TCCD, i found that 50% of the users/owner of the reviews, forums i looked at took the gutts removed heatspready and it said TCCD yet the white sticker said v1.1. I have no idea what to do. Shame there aint a ram tester that will say as does cpuz for what chips they are
Okay i guess i'll giver it a go. So set it to 1:1 right away yeah?

''try 2.5-3-3-6 at stock volts. if that doesn't work, try 2.85v but don't bother trying any higher volt wise. try slacker timings instead....

to run 1:1, make sure the dram frequency is set to 400 in the bios''
OMG check this out


Dude i love you, not full on but you know what i mean. It's like silly silly fast, never seen it so fast. Winodows is really dirty right now befor any of this i noticed it's taking ages to boot on the windows laoding screen so i do need a fresh instal and i'd also just done some updates and not restarted befor adjsting my memory so thye had to be done. Also

Super pi 1m seams to of gone down by 2 and a bit seconds, thus afetr doing a few things
Thats in the dram frequency bit right?

Which type of mem test to use? Dos or windows and where can i get it from?

Okay so i downlaoded the floppy one but how am i to make a disc and what exaclty do i put on it of the folder?
Okay disc made, so whats the reason i'm doing this? I've done a mem test in windows and it got to 6000% no errors or anyhting
Cool. Hope my Q-tech 650w psu will cope, it's only a temp solution till my PC+P arrives. My CPU is dual prime, one of P95 and SP2004 stable at 100% load. My gFX is crap, BFG 7800GS er tuesday which is gonna be a shock to have such a thing and then the experinec of the GFX. Okay i'll go start runinng me test now. I'll report back in tut moring. Thanks man for all your help. I did e-mail ya earlyer tothe addy in ya trust. Oh these slack or tight timings?

Thanks again (y)

Umm issue. Ran mem test for over an hour. To me i t looked like it was testing both cpu memory then to go and do the ram. Anyway there where 65 error boxs coming up. Not sure thats good or bad. is there a better meme test. i hear off a friend the iso is best
Right well i wasn;t told anyhting about what i need to do more for memtest. In the end i stopped it and haven't bothered there after but i got FEAR out and played that and no problems even oc'd my current poxy gfx a bit. Ran perfectly. I'm selling this ram as i have my mits on a few other bits and bobs as i need to hit 262.5 mhz fsb and then i shall hold off there as i'll have a full 1GHZ OC to my CPU whoo
Well 1stly i need to get these properly tested. Okay number go right over my head, im dislexic not say i have no idea about ram what so ever.

So far i've had 13 people tell me what to do and all have been differnt so alarm bells are ringging who to go with opn there advice.

I've shaved 2.999 seconds off my super pi 1m by doing 1:1 which is good but maybe mate who is at 3.6 is doing way better than me with 245fsb...
This stuff is TCC5 and don't work with Intel. it's made for AMD 64 larking around nuts and all. Lucky to do what i am doing and it could be TCCD but i aitn gonna lift my heatspreaders and look for ahem sadly. I did try but on tight!!!

That ram i'm afetr is the following

***Currently, only the Asus P4C800 Deluxe and P4C800-E Deluxe are qualified for use with PC-4400 Gold Edition memory due to high FSB requirements not achievable by other boards.

If i get some at alst i'll be one up for a change.
So why have over 1500 people alone posted on a forum saying there is and shown the proffe and i've experinced it and many others? I've seen it in person on other rigs. OCZ even have confermed my ram not for Intel use but gay AMd 64 nuts
Well 1 to work out of 1500 be suspect i say. I'm lucky to get it as far as i have and i'd liek to get more, my cpu maxs out or it was the ram setting i had it on when i got to 4.15ghz in windows with Ai booster. 4ghz is stable
So as i siad im thick , no idea, out on my ass no a clue, nothing, zero, uno nurmo when it comes to ram so if you want to help me please do feel free but give me some zero technical stuff.

ie say run them at

cpu at 200

I need clearer direct insrctions etc etc as all i've had is baffle sadly

Also how to get mem test to test my memory not my ahem cpu
Last edited:
smids said:
memtest only tests the RAM. No CPU is tested whatsoever. As you request above:

CPU @ 200

Edit out that sweary, the Dons will give you a holiday for it.

If that fails at any point with any errors in 8 hours of testing, then 2.5-3-3-10, then 2.5-4-3-7. All at same other settings. If these don't work, then you will not be going anywhere fast on that RAM. Even these settings are pretty bad if you are after top performance.

Cheers dude. Thats all i was fater, really easyand simple to follow stuff. i shall go test it soon a si had enough of pc's for today. Should have loads of new goodies tomrorw. Fingers crossed. So do i need to make any adjstment in the mem test or just let it do it's thing from word go?
Okay will do mucka, thanks again.

Oh if it does come up with anyhting red what should i do and how will i know what the problem be and to make it work right/
I have my cpu a 1.5250 as i have the vdroop mod so it overvolts....still set it to 1.55v for this mem test?
i have no ideal what i nroamly do as i've never done this before mate. It's wlasy ran at 1.5250V and over volts to 1.6 in cpuz due to the dropp mod so whats best to do
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