here to try us

17 Nov 2003
ok pc running fine for months and then suddenly will only boot up in safe mode.... checked error logs nothing so reseated memory graphics card etc and still wont boot in normal mode recon hdd is ok as it still boots in a fashion. Any ideas?

What software or drivers have you installed recently or prior to this problem if any?....

Added any new USB devices?
If it boots in safe mode but not normally, this is usually a good indication that there's been a change to the software, or a corruption to the software, either drivers or a program, perhaps an update occured recently?.....

You could try a system restore from safe mode.

I'd like to suggest something else, but without being to pinpoint what caused the problem that makes it a bit tough.

Check your event log to, see if anything occured last time you were in windows that might point you toward a particular program or piece of software.
just doing a repair using the disc.I will see how that goes and if still got problems will format c:. I did take the time though to strip everything out and reroute the cables etc. I did notice however that the chipset fan is not working(morelike broke) bu the temps were only getting to 51 so wasn't worried.
Thanks for the input.
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