Heroes & Generals

I played a beta, there was an issue around rendering where you could see enemy in the distance because the foliage and grass didnt render at range. Has this been fixed? Didnt really get a community feel from it like BE but it certainly had potential. Might pop back on.

Yep they now render vegetation all the way to the horizon, so you can hide from enemy players from quite far away.
i understand you like it daze fair enough but when numerous people tell them certain bugs and things that were wrong with game for upto 6 months and they dont fix em what can you draw from this ?

i hope they do fix it but with such bad communication and how the game actually works with joining just a simple mp game i cant see it doing well.

also i played this from the very start of creation not a few months.
Well I can't comment on what it was like at the start of course, but if you look at their youtube, it appears they have fixed numerous bugs, way to many to list. It looks like they've persevered and have been working hard, despite all the early criticism, and as of right now there are very few bugs that I can notice. It's still beta so there are a few balancing problems and other minor issues but they aren't at all game ruining. Joining a mp game is easy, all you have to do is hit enter combat on the character page. I agree it is hard to find a game with a friend but they've already announced that there will be a clan system and a way to play with friends coming in the near future, along with a load of other cool things. I can really see it doing well (and hope it does because like I say I find it really fun), especially if all the big youtubers jump on the bandwagon, like frankieonpc already has.
Just saw this was released as free to play on Steam 11/07/2014 downloaded it and ran it and

server down for maintenance

Just checked the Steam forum and seems to be a good game like BF1942 when it works.
Been playing this for a few days now, really enjoying it so far, graphics aren't great but not ugly either, gameplay for me is a mixture of Bf1942 and COD AA.

Seems they've had a few issues with the servers though, understandable i guess with the rapid growth in popularity.
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been playing recently but getting into games with friends is such a chore and the dev team just dont listen.

great game could be better if they sort out people playing in groups to be made more simplier.

at moment you make a squad if your mate is in a game you join him and que this can take 10-15m.

should be join friend enter game. or friend is in game join select join game.
I had a go recently but I couldn't get into it at all. Maybe it was the map I was on, but it felt really sparse with not much action going on at all.
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