just fort i wald tell alittle about myself seeings how iv been here for awile and got a lot of good help
well my name is richard and im 20
i like computers and games
ok i love games
i dont have a job manly i cant get one
i got kicked out of school coss i caldont do my work as u can tell my spelling isant verry good i have problems that i have been deeling with (shuld of seen me years ago lol)
after being kicked out of school at the age of 11 i hooked myself into computers as my nan worked in a school for dissabled she got me one of there old computers man that was the day DoS and a 4" floppy todo anething >.<
when i was 12 we got are first computer an e-meshean thats when we first got the internet old dileup AOL lol man i used to sing along to that modem hehe >.<
when i was 13 my mum hooked up with some one and made are own copy of a game (legend of mir2)
from there we went to the tip and picked up 3 computers
and we played the game till i was 15 at witch point the game went dead
but from there as we had like 5 computers at that point i started messing with them taking them apart and all till i was 18 at witch point i went to collage for 2 years didont work out i went in for a cose of *skill for a working life* i failed
2nd year i went and done moter macanics i dont well doing that but i had trubble with the grop i was in comming home most nights with a black eye
then thay finally let me do the corse i wanted basic IT corse i dont well for the first month at witch point thay kicked me off with im not doing the work >.< kinda makes no sence seeings i was 100% upto date >.< and thay wont let me back then i joind a group of 6 ppl doing crap tbh coss 4 left >.< thats when i wwent to IBM and got some work exp working on there servers rockes
well that kinda my life kinda crappy tbh wish i cald go back to school and finish but i cant and if i did i wald most prob inpale a stick into my teachers head coss he was a jerk lol
well my name is richard and im 20
i like computers and games
ok i love games
i dont have a job manly i cant get one
i got kicked out of school coss i caldont do my work as u can tell my spelling isant verry good i have problems that i have been deeling with (shuld of seen me years ago lol)
after being kicked out of school at the age of 11 i hooked myself into computers as my nan worked in a school for dissabled she got me one of there old computers man that was the day DoS and a 4" floppy todo anething >.<
when i was 12 we got are first computer an e-meshean thats when we first got the internet old dileup AOL lol man i used to sing along to that modem hehe >.<
when i was 13 my mum hooked up with some one and made are own copy of a game (legend of mir2)
from there we went to the tip and picked up 3 computers
and we played the game till i was 15 at witch point the game went dead
but from there as we had like 5 computers at that point i started messing with them taking them apart and all till i was 18 at witch point i went to collage for 2 years didont work out i went in for a cose of *skill for a working life* i failed
2nd year i went and done moter macanics i dont well doing that but i had trubble with the grop i was in comming home most nights with a black eye
then thay finally let me do the corse i wanted basic IT corse i dont well for the first month at witch point thay kicked me off with im not doing the work >.< kinda makes no sence seeings i was 100% upto date >.< and thay wont let me back then i joind a group of 6 ppl doing crap tbh coss 4 left >.< thats when i wwent to IBM and got some work exp working on there servers rockes
well that kinda my life kinda crappy tbh wish i cald go back to school and finish but i cant and if i did i wald most prob inpale a stick into my teachers head coss he was a jerk lol