hi from me :)

31 Dec 2008
just fort i wald tell alittle about myself seeings how iv been here for awile and got a lot of good help :)

well my name is richard and im 20

i like computers and games
ok i love games

i dont have a job manly i cant get one :(
i got kicked out of school coss i caldont do my work as u can tell my spelling isant verry good i have problems that i have been deeling with (shuld of seen me years ago lol)

after being kicked out of school at the age of 11 i hooked myself into computers as my nan worked in a school for dissabled she got me one of there old computers man that was the day DoS and a 4" floppy todo anething >.<

when i was 12 we got are first computer an e-meshean thats when we first got the internet :) old dileup AOL lol man i used to sing along to that modem hehe >.<

when i was 13 my mum hooked up with some one and made are own copy of a game (legend of mir2)

from there we went to the tip and picked up 3 computers
and we played the game till i was 15 at witch point the game went dead :(

but from there as we had like 5 computers at that point i started messing with them taking them apart and all till i was 18 at witch point i went to collage for 2 years didont work out :( i went in for a cose of *skill for a working life* i failed

2nd year i went and done moter macanics i dont well doing that but i had trubble with the grop i was in comming home most nights with a black eye

then thay finally let me do the corse i wanted basic IT corse i dont well for the first month at witch point thay kicked me off with im not doing the work >.< kinda makes no sence seeings i was 100% upto date >.< and thay wont let me back then i joind a group of 6 ppl doing crap tbh coss 4 left >.< thats when i wwent to IBM and got some work exp working on there servers rockes

well that kinda my life kinda crappy tbh wish i cald go back to school and finish but i cant :( and if i did i wald most prob inpale a stick into my teachers head coss he was a jerk lol
Welcome to the forums. They'll be fun most of the time. Hope you can work out doing something though. Know a girl who has a similar situation as you who cant get a placement at uni and the uni arent helping her, seems hard for the both of you.
Welcome to OcUK - be warned that people aren't always friendly, but generally there's a very good level of knowledge and discussion here.
Hello and welcome.

There are lots of nice people on here and a few meanies too.

Your spelling will get ridiculed by some people but try to ignore them.
I can see why you can't get a job. Rather than go do higher education I would have went and did a course in English or something. I ****** up school and dropped out of college halfway through year 2 but you can't just lie down and be a bitch.

Anybody can take pc hardware apart and replace bits,you need a bit of paper to say you can do it just to get into the interview room. Once your in there it's up to you to sell yourself which is where learning proper english and interview techniques help you.

Once you're in a job you are out meeting new people so you feel better,you're making money so can go out more and meet more people or even just buy yourself things to cheer you up.
Hello and welcome.

There are lots of nice people on here and a few meanies too.

Your spelling will get ridiculed by some people but try to ignore them.

i usally do i try to spell check but last time i dont it with more then 5 lines it crashed >.<

and thay dont usally help much ane way
I can see why you can't get a job. Rather than go do higher education I would have went and did a course in English or something. I ****** up school and dropped out of college halfway through year 2 but you can't just lie down and be a bitch.

Anybody can take pc hardware apart and replace bits,you need a bit of paper to say you can do it just to get into the interview room. Once your in there it's up to you to sell yourself which is where learning proper english and interview techniques help you.

Once you're in a job you are out meeting new people so you feel better,you're making money so can go out more and meet more people or even just buy yourself things to cheer you up.
if u didnt read i did for 2 years and failed and then got kicked out of that collage and wont let me back
Sorry, I can't help myself.

If you have time on your hands there must be a way to improve your spelling. I very much believe it would be beneficial throughout your life.

If I received an email from systems support in my job and it contained spelling like yours I'd send it back and for a reply from an adult. I'm not trying to be nasty, but you could improve it greatly.
Sorry, I can't help myself.

If you have time on your hands there must be a way to improve your spelling. I very much believe it would be beneficial throughout your life.

If I received an email from systems support in my job and it contained spelling like yours I'd send it back and for a reply from an adult. I'm not trying to be nasty, but you could improve it greatly.
yes i agree ut i took one of them crappy lern from home corses for a month it didont help me
if u didnt read i did for 2 years and failed and then got kicked out of that collage and wont let me back

That's because you're probably writing in exams the way you are this post.

I don't believe you would get kicked out of class/school for being bad at spelling. I'm similar ages with you and I know for a fact around 10 people went to the library at lunch to see a teacher to work on spelling,grammar and reading skills. These sort of people also get a scribe for exams usually.

The fact you did computing and then motor mechanics shows you're either not set in what you want to or(in the eyes of the college) just want to milk them for money.
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