Hi to BBC Climate Crunchers - New to Team.

I'm a Folder and I don't back-up my Folding folder - that's a bit of a mouthful :eek:

To be honest I leave most of my computers unattended and two will be having there graphics cards removed soon, to save wasting electricity, and will be remotely controlled via the network when needed.

I seem to be fairly lucky when it comes to PC trouble's. I can't remember having a crash that corrupted anything for a few months now (probably means all 6 are due to crash). I have 6 machines 2 of which are used by other people and they all turn on start folding and very rarely complain. On the rare ocasion they do complain then Fah's single self backup is usually sufficient and they continue on. :)
It's a bit different between FAH and BBC. FAH units can take up to about 6 days. BBC units can take up to about 6 months. With time scales like that it becomes more important to backup.
oceaness said:
I can't remember having a crash that corrupted anything for a few months now (probably means all 6 are due to crash).
That made me laugh :)

Having to backup regularly is a turn off for me. I'm not organised enough at all. How do you back up then? CD or DVD or what? How big is the model?
joeyjojo said:
That made me laugh :)

Having to backup regularly is a turn off for me. I'm not organised enough at all. How do you back up then? CD or DVD or what? How big is the model?

Single model about 500Mb. 2 models about 1GB. but it does vary a bit. I was relying on my raid 1 setup to keep me out of too much trouble of disk failure. Trouble always comes from the least expected direction.

Peter-B said:
Hi Pete,
Stats here


It’s a shame about the loss but that’s the BBC!
Oceaness is right system restore is a waste of space, I never use it. I back up all models daily and have had to use them twice this week, including to-day. If it gets any worse I’m quitting having only completed 2 models in 8 months. I us to be a folder and it’s a lot easier than this!!

Hi again Pete. Thanks for the info. I think your No2 spot is safe for a while now as I have ground to a halt trying to find a solution to the current promlems. Yes , the BBC project has not been without its problems, and major cockups for that matter, but when you think the Met office run their global climate simulation models on of the most powerful computers around, it's a pretty mean feat to get a decent model running on a single PC. I just focus on the end result, and think 'No Pain, No Gain'! If it was easy, it would be called 'Folding'!!!!! ;) :D
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