High-concept films

21 Nov 2004
I'm quite a fan of high-concept films where the film takes place in one confined location and is usually around the 90 minute mark.

A few that I have liked are:

Sleuth (longer than most)
Phone Booth
Open Water
Gravity (was so-so)

I find a certain purity in them because they rely more on acting and dialogue to keep the film moving. They could easily be stage plays rather than films.

Who else likes these kind of films and are there any others that I've missed?
I'm a bit mixed towards these films, some I really can't stand at all and find incredibly boring while stuff like Cube and while a TV show Booth at the End I really enjoyed.
I've not seen it but there is another movie with David Hewlett (also in Cube) in called Nothing that is of this style with somewhat mixed opinions about it heh.

excellent film. there's also 10 cloverfield lane but meh because of the ending. The mist is mostly focused on 1 place and yay because of the ending
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A couple more to add:
The Man from Earth (2007)
Fermat's Room (2007)
Not sure if it quite fits but Room (2015).
Also consider Time Lapse.
Sure there are a few more but these are the only ones that come to mind at the moment that haven't been said.
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Some great suggestions on here which I'll add to my watch list.

I've actually started watching Primer twice but both times turned it off after a couple of minutes. I'm sure I'll like it once I'm in the right mood though.

I've seen Moon, Saw and The Disappearance of Alice Creed which are good shouts.

Just remembered a couple of other good ones:

The Breakfast Club
If Saw counts then definitely check out Martyrs (2008).
Up there with the most depressing films ever made.
5150 Elm's Way would also count.
Session 9
Kilo Two Bravo - Based on true events this is an incredibly tense film.
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