High-concept films

I'm quite a fan of high-concept films where the film takes place in one confined location and is usually around the 90 minute mark.

A few that I have liked are:

Sleuth (longer than most)
Phone Booth
Open Water
Gravity (was so-so)

I find a certain purity in them because they rely more on acting and dialogue to keep the film moving. They could easily be stage plays rather than films.

Who else likes these kind of films and are there any others that I've missed?

Thats not what high concept means.
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Off topic but who could enjoy Open Water. Is the worst film I've ever seen and I've watched a lot of crap.

Came here just to say that. Terrible film.

Spoilers for this film would be 'savers'.

I really can't offer too much insight but films that I thought had very engaging / entertaining dialogue / character interaction that drove the film included:

The Arrival

None of them relied on that exclusively though.

What is it you're objecting to exactly? I wasn't attempting to define high-concept in my original post. I'm aware that it doesn't mean one location and 90 minutes, so I'm probably interested in a subset of that type of film.

For me those two criteria provide an interesting theme with a duration good for a double bill. For example I wouldn't feel very satisfied devoting an evening to watching Open Water, but alongside something else then why not.
Phone Booth is an all timer for me, seems to be a film that's been largely forgotten about.

Silent Running. A perfect film the first time you see it.
Devil - set in an elevator.

Oh man I'd put that flick outta my mind for so long... Famously containing a scene where they throw a piece of toast onto the floor to determine whether the Devil is responsible for the killings... not making that up. One of the single worst cinematic experiences I've ever had.

Think Rear Window got a shout somewhere. Ex Machina is just a great film everyone should see regardless.
I watched ARQ on Netflix the other night and really enjoyed it. What about Hitchcocks "Rope" all shot in one take (Actually they do cheat it, but it's still great).

Run Lola Run
The Matrix
The Terminator
Source Code
Loguns Run
Planet of The Apes
The Adjustment Bureau
Do those qualify?

Some on here that I never heard of, so will look them up over the next few weeks
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The Matrix
The Terminator
Source Code
Planet of The Apes
The Adjustment Bureau
Do those qualify?

Those films would probably qualify as high concept although the scope of them is wider than what I'm thinking about in this thread (single location, small scale execution). I haven't seen the other ones you listed. Will definitely be checking out some of Hitchcock's back catalogue as his name seems to be cropping up quite a bit.
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