Higher Education AppleCare

Rather than creating a new thread I thought I'd ask here.

When using the iMacs at University, I noticed that the mouse movement isn't very precise. I had a dig around the options but there wasn't anything that could improve it apart from the sensitivity which didn't help Is this because of the mouse or OSX? I found this quite annoying.

Are you able go to a Apple store and pick up a product with the HE discount or would you have to do it online?
They send you an e-mail after purchasing to inform you of the 3 year warranty... Surely this is proof enough for them?

Are you able go to a Apple store and pick up a product with the HE discount or would you have to do it online?

Yes, with proof of student status.
Thanks. What was the phone number and procedure you had to go through?

Just the normal support number. The normal support people can't see the extra 2 years on their screens (from what I understand, also nor could my local Apple Store.) so they escalate to a customer care person, who called me daily till they changed it on the website :)

gumbald mentioned that he got (and others have said, also) an e-mail confirming the 3 years, but I know at least 2 people who haven't.

Right, I've just got off the phone to them and they said mine expired after the first year...

How did you get yours escalated to a customer care person? Just asked?

The guy I spoke to hardly spoke any English and I couldn't be bothered to waste my money on an 0870 number arguing.
Right, I've just got off the phone to them and they said mine expired after the first year...

How did you get yours escalated to a customer care person? Just asked?

The guy I spoke to hardly spoke any English and I couldn't be bothered to waste my money on an 0870 number arguing.

I insisted, politely that I should have 3 years, was put on hold while he checked a couple of times, and then put me through after I explained to him that URL. Also I am able to show from my order number I paid the Higher Eduction price and that clearly says 36 months Warranty.

I am fairly sure it was the 0870 number I called (I think it was free from my BT phone anyway and after that they did all the calling back in a timely fashion). The guy's English had an accent (was obviously an Indian call centre) but it did not pose any problems, tbh.


Right, I've been on the phone again now, and they couldn't even see a record of it that I purchased this through HE Discount, I needed to send proof of this to them.

The best I could do is the confirmation email from them which was sent to me. I've now forwarded that email to them with my system serial number and have been told to give it 24 hours for them to add it and give them a call back.

The guy on the phone was helpful enough, but you would have thought they'd be able to tell who bought HE and who didn't...

Anyway, lets see what tomorrow brings :)
That still shows 12 months. Do you have to use this link to get the extra warranty?

No. I am saying that used to show 12 months, then after speaking to Apple they changed it so it shows 3 years. The website is the status normal support see as well as Apple Store etc when checking status for repairs.

I sent them my Proof of Purchase yesterday, and they've already updated it for me.

They're now sending me out a lovely new Mighty Mouse and they've updated my status on the website to show three years of warranty :)
Just to follow up.

I bought my machine through HE and had only 1 year warranty showing on https://selfsolve.apple.com/GetWarranty.do
I called up and got put through to Education, and then put through to a supervisor. They took a while to check my system (serial number, order number, how purchased) and then confirmed it should have 3 year warranty. He updated their systems and said it could take upto 48 hours to update - but when I checked the link above after the call it was updated to 3 years.

I called the London store (0207 1539000) and then went option 2 to be put through to applecare, then got transfered to education. Saves ringing an 0870 number @ not local rate/min.

Thanks for the advice all. Feel happier having the 3 years on it, and actually showing online.
That's good to know - I just checked my serial number on that site and it's showing three years so I don't need to do anything. It's probably because I added the three years telephone support at purchase though.
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