Highpoint RAID5 Setup

2 Jun 2003
Ok, sorry for the long post, but my RAID5 array which consists of 8x400gb sata hdd's went **** up.

I have a highpoint RAID card with 8 SATA ports, and setup the raid 5 array through the bios on the card. Problem is, now when I want to rebuild i, it will take about 2 weeks. (it did 6% in 24 hours)

I have since blown the raid array away and copied all data to various seperate hard drives.

I use vista ultimate 64 bit and the raid management software in windows doesnt seem to find the array, and now because I have destroyed the array it can see the drives but wont let me create a new array. I wanted to be able to use the management software so at least I can use my PC instead of it being stuck in the bios before bootup when creating again.

currently vista sees all 8 hdd's seperately, my question is:

Should I use vista to create the raid 5 array, or do it in the bios, is this the difference between hardware and software raid ?

I just think I can manage the array in vista which would be easier. Would this take up more system resource ?

help !
There's no difference between creatin the array using the card BIOS and using the software - all the software does is make the BIOS calls from within windows, the BIOS method allows you to create an array which you can then install an OS on.

I've no idea why the rebuild is taking that long, it only takes about 8 hours on my 8 * 250Gb array on a similar card.

I think to recreate the array you'll need to manually set each drive as "available" - I forget exactly how and I won't have access to my machine to check until the end of the week.
thank you for your reply, I know the highpoint software wont make a difference, but Im on about using the disk management feature in vista to create the array.

will this put extra load on windows ?
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