Hints on post processing!

17 Jan 2005
I've just come back from a couple weeks climbing in the Alps and I've taken a photo that I'd like to frame on my wall. I was wondering if anyone fancied doing me a favour and processing it for me or giving me some hints on how to make it look better!

Here is the original..

And here is my attempt at processing it..

I can supply the RAW if anyone fancies a go? :)
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That's a pretty stunning photo. I wonder if you could get a nice effect by quickly running it through a HDR filter. Fancy trying it on a demo of http://mediachance.com/hdri/index.html?

I'd be happy to give it a go but not sure if I'd manage much better than you already have done. Feel free to post the raw if you want though.
HDR is about the last thing the photo needs.Everything is already well exposed although I would possibly push the exposure up a little.

The processing looks fine to me overall.
Where was taken, looks very familiar but I can't quite name the peaks. looks like the Trois montes traverse taken from north face of mont blanc. I've attempted the traverse a half dozen times but always turned back due to weather or avalanches. Very frustrating because some friends that aren't THAT into climbing or skiing managed the traverse and ski descent down to Chamonix a week before one of my attempts.

Pretty much every other objective always worked out on the first attempt but we always blanked on blanc despite 5 years of trying. Its not even that hard, we've ascended and skied much more technically demanding mountains
It was from the ridge at the Gouter Hut looking towards the Midi Station. We wanted to do the Three Monts but conditions weren't in so we did the route up from the Gouter Hut instead. We had to delay for a day because of an insane amount of snow on the Monday which meant we couldn't get up from Tete Rousse safely. It wasn't the most interesting route we did all week but it's good to have ticked the Mont Blanc box off.. It means I don't have to do it again and can concentrate on some more technical routes!

With my limited photography knowledge I tried to under expose it slightly so as not to have any blown out parts. I only started learning how to use my camera properly last year and now have about 300 or so to go through from the last couple weeks!
Great picture! I like post 8

I wish I was more able to post process rather than just poking around
Really deceiving horizon. It's actually straight in this but looks as though the left hand side is higher :o


Edit : Would look really nice in a black frame with a white mount ;)
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I tried playing with HDR filter but couldn't get it to work. I was thinking more for the sky only. As someone else pointed out the rest of the image has plenty of detail in it's own right. Here's my attempts though:
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Oh my god that lens flare... Why??

Anyway OP higher res is up here: For reference I straightened the horizon a bit, tweaked the exposure, lifted off a bit of the vignette and brought up the exposure on the left hand side with a brush as the shadow was really distracting.


Yeah the lens flare looks too fake.

The only thing other than a little color balance/grading I'd edit is the sky it goes too dark for my tastes - I'd have probably stretched the gradient so the mid point of the sky is the brightness/shade at the top.
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Oh my god that lens flare... Why??

lol, I just included that image because it was a quick attempt at lightening the sky. I think your right though, it does look too fake. If I spent more time I would rather trace up from the sky and mountain tops and drop a gradient.

The sky went too dark/bright and pixelated when adjusting the original. Same reason I want to see a subtle HDR effect on it. But that's just my taste.

Speaking of effects, I think it would look nice with some planets/Saturn rings in the sky, like you see on digital blasphemy etc. Of course I wouldn't consider it if I had taken the photo and wanted to conserve it as a memory though! :)
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Wow, thanks for all the edits! How did you make the whites stand out so clearly amongst the blacks on the last one?

I had problems with the horizon too.. I couldn't decide if it was straight or not and every time I looked at it again it looked wonky after I'd changed it!
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