Hit a pot hole damaged tyre

Mine from a couple of weeks ago.


Couldn't avoid the pothole due to a lorry, it didn't look that bad. Didn't bother contacting the council, they want a forensic report on everything and you have to prove they've been negligent.

It was quite a new tyre. £280 down the drain!
Mine from a couple of weeks ago.


Couldn't avoid the pothole due to a lorry, it didn't look that bad. Didn't bother contacting the council, they want a forensic report on everything and you have to prove they've been negligent.

It was quite a new tyre. £280 down the drain!

£280! Yikes
Had a similar thing a few years ago coming back from Aberdeenshire one Christmas. Massive potholes like trenches along either edge of an NSL main road, oncoming car suddenly moves out over the white line to avoid them on their side so I'm forced into the ones on mine. Felt like I'd driven head-on into a kerb at about 50MPH, no idea how it didn't destroy the wheel or anything else.

I did start the ball rolling on claiming against the road operator but gave up in the end.
Wrecked 3 expensive fujilight alloys on my RS in Sussex last summer could not see it due to the rainwater covering the pothole wrecked 3 at once when the RS hit the road again the force was so great it buckled one :eek: costing me a grand total of £2732 to replace all 4 plus 2 new tyres plus fitting!
I took my 18" wheels off last year and bought and fitted 16" alloys with XL tyres- It still rattles the car but the tyres have saved the alloys.
I did win a claim years ago for a few hundred quid - They refused flat out they would not pay but I sent a letter with the words "half way between negligence and Malfeasance" and had a letter a few days later with a cheque.
I had a Mazda 626GT and wheels were directional - so left side or right side. I hit a deep pot hole that was full of water. No chance.
Not telling people not to try the council but if West Sussex is anything to go by you have to provide proof of MOT, Regular Servicing and they will only give 'fair value' so of you have had the tyre for a couple of years they will likely only give you 25% of thr cost to replace assuming they accept your claim.

They are hoping most wont bother going through the process.

Obviously if the damage is more than a tyre like the wheel crack or suspension damage then its probably worth pursuing
Another reason I got rid of the TTRS, not just tyre damage, but every pot hole knocking my wheels out of alignment. I’ve just given up. My beautiful CS7 that wore nearly down to the limit on the inside for this very reason. It’s sad that our roads are now in this state.

I’ve got tyre and wheel insurance now for some peace of mind. My journey to work is that bad. I have to drive through a mini river now daily too, so forget keeping the car clean.
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Interesting to read about others experiences, seems very common and must be costing a lot of money.

The thing is I’ve been driving for over 40 years and potholes never used to be such a problem.
In fact this is the first time I’ve ever had damage from a pothole. Although I try extremely hard to avoid them.

Seems crazy
Interesting to read about others experiences, seems very common and must be costing a lot of money.

The thing is I’ve been driving for over 40 years and potholes never used to be such a problem.
In fact this is the first time I’ve ever had damage from a pothole. Although I try extremely hard to avoid them.

Seems crazy

One thing which seems to have gone downhill is the quality of work done by utilities especially final surface reinstatement seems very poor leading to recurring potholes in those locations.
Interesting to read about others experiences, seems very common and must be costing a lot of money.

The thing is I’ve been driving for over 40 years and potholes never used to be such a problem.
In fact this is the first time I’ve ever had damage from a pothole. Although I try extremely hard to avoid them.

Seems crazy
I think potholes are certainly more prevelant now than they were 5-10 years ago. I also think Low Profile Tyres and Bigger alloys are contributing too it
I used my Pothole insurance 2yrs for a knackered tyre and buckle wheel.

Sent all photos, location etc to my insurer and they dealt with it. Insurer had my wheel fixed as it was cheaper than trying to find one & had a full suspension/drivetrain check

Local council didn't contest it but I suspect them trying to fight an insurance company and their lawyers would have cost them more.

Cost me my £10 excess :cry:
Where did you get this? No problem in claiming? Sounds ideal with the state of our roads.
so is it still £60/pa

... could be marginal coverage for OP, 2 wheels/tyres, struts ...
can't see that they have a puncture option too, which maybe more frequent issue (hopefully cheaper than that offered by tyre sellers too)

Our pothole damage insurance:

Costs just £59.99 a year
Covers up to £1,500 in damages
Protects alloy wheels, suspension and tyres damage
Protects your NCB
Claim hotline is open 24 hours a day
Likely to pay a lower excess
Excess is reimbursed to you if we’re able to recover this money from the local authority
Covers Great Britain, Northern Ireland, the Isle of Man, and the Channel Islands

definitely over last couple of days of record rainfall, local puddles have masked a lot of the holes ... any WAZE tagging of the OP's one.
my highway report got closed
byd LIDAR 150m in front of the car may be better than my eyes ...
but, maybe Musks (undeliverd, of course) hive mind solution where one car uploads to a cloud map, it's suspension hits, so others can be prepared would be best (can tell council too & send photos)
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