Hit by car for second time in 2 weeks

Priest said:
Empty or not what you’ve done is illegal, the pavement is for pedestrians not impatient cyclists.

I know this, i know the fine invlolved too. I am of the opinion that if I do it in a safe maner then there isn't a problem. The other week a pal was cycling on the pavement and 2 policemen apologised for being in his way.
Phantom said:
they waiver about all over the place & never in a straight line then expect all cars behind them to go at 10 mph too...

That's a sweaping generalisation if ever I heard one.
Noxis said:
Sorry I think I forgot the:


In my post to make it a bit more obvious it was dripping with sarcasm :p

Congratulations, you have just become a cyclist with all that back pedalling. :p
I don't drive yet when I did a Highway code test at work a while ago I scored more than than those in my office who drive.
Some people here seem to not care about other road users. Who care's if 2 wheel transport slows you down? Remember that you can easily kill a cyclist / motorcyclist, it's a one way arguement. here are some vital statistics: http://www.thinkroadsafety.gov.uk/statistics.htm

Please don't post negative comments. I never intented for this thraed to be Anti whatever. Under recent laws degradation of social groups is against the law. So saying something like.." Cyclists should be shot" *could* be classed the same as racism and should not be tolerated.

I feel that my statement is in line with OCUK's moral standing.

On a side note. My statement about Cyclists having the right of way was true but flaud. In the case of a road accident, a pedestrain is seeing as having the right of way, followed by cyclist's. < New law.

/End Dave Angel.
I agree masterk.

We have Cycling proficiency, for kids. If the government want to promote alternative modes of transport they have to promote alterntive modes of safety, like you suggest, a proper test.
JRS said:
Wouldn't that make for a rather one-sided conversation? Perhaps you meant "don't post inflamatory bullcrap/keyboard warrior nonsense". That idea I could get behind. ;)

Not at all. Positve sugestions can come from any road user.
suicidle_tramp said:
I don't get it, you're roads must be really unsafe if your afraid to ride on them. I've never been close to an accident down here. I ride properly most of the time, I just stay aware of the things around me.

Not at all. I have heard from other cyclist how lucky I have been for not having an accident. In over 6 years of cycling on roads I have never been knocked down, I have had 3 close call's but in general I think people are tolerant and accepting of other road users. Like has been said before. it's a minority that cause the agro. but none the less. Social awareness of proper road use is poor at times, and that goes for cyclists too.
#1. I have heard the "you use the road you should pay tax" arguement many a time. it's an uneducated rant! your point of view i agree with.

#2. Anything that keeps kids safe in my book is a good idea, and something that will stick with them for the rest of thier lifes.

#3. Common sense. Although the CTC disagrees becuase a lot of people just don't like wearing one and as a consequence diswades's potential cyclists.

#4. There are times when cycling on a pavement is ok, as long as you pay attention and are aware of the surrounding environment.

#5. Can't see the harm in it but if it's "free" who would pay for it? No doubt someone would complain.
JRS said:
The CTC can go take a running jump off a cliff if that's the best rebuttal they have for that argument.

People can be funny about how they look. Some people like the macho 4x4 thang. But that's another discussion. :)
nomad said:
That is so rich coming from someone who banged on about damaging peoples cars, grapping people by the lapels and grabbing peoples doors open.

If you read the thread properly you would know that was not what I said but other peoples posts of experiences.
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