Hitachi Deskstar T7K250 & Asus P5W DH Delux

3 Jul 2006
St. Neots
I am just installing my new PC and wonder if anyone can help?

Have installed windows and about update the drive to run @ 3gb with Hitachi Ftool.
Now I know the mobo will run, but should I enable the 'Speed Spectrum Clocking' on the HDD?
Also, the mobo has AHCI disabled. What is or are the best bios settings for this drive?
Will also post this in the mobo section for bios help.

Can you put a post to link across 2 sections?

Cheers for the help guys
Not using the same drive but i can offer some assistance.

When i had my hitatchi, i enabled spread spectrum clocking, but in all honesty i have no idea what it is and i would imagine on or off does not matter.

AHCI (Advanced Host Controller Interface) is an option to enable sata 2 features on the Hard drive. most of it is power mangement and NCQ.

But if you want to use AHCI it has to be set up in Bios and a fresh install of windows with the F5 floppy option.

You can do it in windows by updating the driver manually then rebooting, set AHCI in bios, but this doesnt always work so be prepared incase you lose your install.

The differences speed wise between AHCI and IDE mode are not that great anyway, so if you feel your getting good speeds already then dont bother with AHCI.
Many SATA II devices dont use nearly the full bandwidth available with a SATA II connection so I wouldn't worry about data transfer as it is probably as good as it will get.

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