Hitachi Feature tool, wheres the SATA II setting?

1 Jan 2006
South East London
Hi, I cannot find the enable sata II setting using the feature tool, where is it, do I have to enable SMART first? The drive is detected on a PCI IDE adaptor, is this wrong? I'm using the Nforce 4 controller on a Epox 9NPA+ ultra board.
Yeh all I could see was, select drive, utilities (only allowed SMART enable/disable) and help? I was using version 2 as well. Are there any more drivers to install?
Did you RMA your X2? Is this possible seeing as you overclocked it or did you not tell them that?
I got it now, used the floppy version of the Feature Tool :p . The average transfer rate gone up a bit and the burst speed gone up. Smids are you getting some of these 80GB hitachi deskstars? I will post HDtach results if you want and if someone tells me how :D . . . . . . . . .
I think this will work!
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