Hitman blood money 360

With regaurd to people saying that they used to "Rambo style it" thus missing some great kills. It's another great application of the Achievements system that they could force people to try and work harder at the missions for the achievements. Without of course completely removing the Rambo option, as it should be tbh.

(this is assuming the achievements have been implemented this way lol)
Hehe ive had this game since last week and i havent as of yet been able to open it or play it yet....blaming the gf whos here for a couple of weeks. She managed to keep me off the xbox last night...even though deep down inside i was itching to play it:p.

Really need to open it up and have a go at playing it i think...
dannyjo22 said:
So whats the verdict on this game, now you guys have had it a while?

Old thread (but hey, at least one of us uses the search! :p)

Great game, really really atmospheric and whilst graphics is as good as any PC, has to be one of the better Hitman games in terms of stealth V action.
KennyBhoy said:
One of the best games i have played on the 360 so far....Had me hooked till i completed it :(


This was my first hitman game and I was surprised at just how good it was.

In fact I enjoyed it so much I finished it all 4 times to get 100% acheivements. :)
Although I don't have it on 360, I do on PC and it is the best Hitman since 2.

Graphics are excellent and the range of kill methods is good, as is weapon diversity and upgradeability.

A tad short though and missions are in the vein of Contracts.
KennyBhoy said:
One of the best games i have played on the 360 so far....Had me hooked till i completed it :(

Same here, loved this game and still playing it. Started off with the hard level and got all the acheivements, now just going back through rookie level to get the achievement for that.
Excellent game and lovely graphics although in places it slows down. But definitely one of my fave games on the 360.
I'm really enjoying this game.

Haven't played it for a while because I'm trying to work out each mission on Silent Assassin before I attempt the next one and it means I need usually at least 90 mins to figure bits out before I can progress. Think I'll have a go later today though and try and SA the carnival level.

I played the original Hitman and I think I prefer this one for gameplay and the sheer fun of a flawless contract.
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