HL2 Mod:Empires now out! -screens inside!

Ive been playing for half an hour now, and I have to say its very slow, as as no one knows what to do the game dosent seem to get anywhere fast, there is some lag going on as well, but I guess its a beta so what do you expect. The models and settings are ok but nothing special, and the idea of the game is good but seems overclomplex. I spent a lot of time just running from one place to the next without seeing much apart from some trees. I think its got potential but needs major refinement. I think it should have been in development longer before release to the general public as your average joe will play it for 2 mins and give up. Overall 4/10.
A random name said:
The load times of this game make Battlefield 2 look FAST!


WoW, now that is saying something!
i was going to give this a bash but i might wait for the next release by the sounds of it
I got it fairly fast I just used getright searched for mirrors and used four downloads at once.

Haven't played it yet as I'm still waiting for half life two to download as I reinstalled windows the other week.
Its a good game when you find a non-laggy server and people know what they are doing.
Tanks are stupidly inaccurate however, its hard to it anything with them.
well you find that with most games like this, it makes it hard to use a tank as a OMG WIN machine
james.miller said:

nice server there...


:cool: :D
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james.miller said:
sorry. i got it in 15 minutes from there. only trying to help.

You have mate i am getting 1.15MB :D , Done in 5 mins.
Thanks to the O.P. for the heads up and thanks to James for the decent link. :cool:

To confirm it took 5 mins using james first link. Going to have to try it later though i have a big trip out irl today.
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Noxis said:
Anyone able to tell us if it plays as good as it looks and sounds?

it does
but only if your the only one on the server,
tanks and turrits = laggy servers, I'm not sure what kinda speck these servers are but from what I have seen anything below a 200 ping is GOOD.
I'd like to see this run solo on a nice rig as server, but as its beta I'm not expecting it to perform just yet.

I'd wait for the next release or two, by all means have a play around right now, but don't expect it to be realy playable.
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