hmmm, what DS game to get?

CastleVania is probably the best out of my games.

I have..

Sonic Rush
Yoshi T&G
Kirby Canvas Curse

Its just such a good game, the graphics are very nice and it plays like a dream once u get into it. Upgrading weapons, getting into places using new skills etc is great fun. Im only about 40% done but loving it.

The rest of my games are great too, i guess second for me would be sonic, or maybe yoshi cos its just fun to beat records
well, i'm totally not getting i'm going to take that back and try kirby's whatsisname. then i might see if i can grab a copy of warioware as well...that looks pretty cool
if u dont like castlevania then i guess u should try advance wars ds.

at first i didnt like castlevania too much, but then i gave it a bit time and it all began to make sense :), bloody good game once ya get into it. pretty challenging in places too
Castlevania may not be for everyone but if it's your type of game there there isn't anything out there that beats it.
Sic said:
well, i'm totally not getting i'm going to take that back and try kirby's whatsisname. then i might see if i can grab a copy of warioware as well...that looks pretty cool

Couldn't get into castlevania neither felt like ther was too much backtracking to save points etc Kirbys Canvas jobby is great though, although can be bit tricky in parts and has me swearing at my ds...
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