I keep parroting the same thing over and over, we need a full review of where all the money's going. We're all paying more and more tax, our products are getting more expensive and shrinking, our roads are in a crap state, our emergency services and medical industry are all crying for more funding, large projects like HS2 are being scrapped or cancelled, so this begs the question - where is the money going?
If they could demonstrably prove that the money is being spent wisely and in the interest of the taxpayer it'd put a lot of minds at rest but the overwhelming feeling at the moment is that we're all being porked by the very people who should be looking after us whilst they all chill out in their mansions.
They'll need to change something soon, or their day of reckoning will come. There's only so much the people will put up with and once the spark goes off, the fire will be immense.
Personally I think they should all the strung up and made a mockery of but they use the police force as their own personal bodyguards so there's nothing we can do, and they know it.