holding visor open

So all this talk of pinlock I finally got round to ordering one just now as all week I've been battling the visor fog.

Then when watching a video on how to fit etc I see the guy using my helmet as a demo and he say's:

"This helmet comes with one already"

I'm like Whaaa?! So I check my box and sure enough I have one already :o

All this time I've not been using it, so annoying! :p

Suppose I got my helmet in July so never needed it then.
Yer e-mailed them last night and confirmed my refund this morning. Good work racevisors.co.uk

Used it this morning in the rain, h-amazing the difference! :D

Could just do with something on the visor like Ish to help shift water. What do people use? Rain-X?
I might try Rain-X this weekend, used it on the car before and its brilliant.

I'm convinced that Pledge/Mr Sheen is the winner, every morning before I leave at the front door, I spray the visor, wipe down with a dust cloth and set off. The rain just runs off! Amazing.

Probably be just the same as rain-x.

I'm still wearing my AGV Ti-Tech which is a brilliant helmet. A bit noisy.

I don't have pinlock, never worn a pinlock visor, fog has always been a nightmare, but thankfully the AGV can open up about a cm on just one side. Allowing for a tiny air gap whilst not letting in wind and only some drops of rain. Stops fogging. But, when it's freezing... I wish I had pinlock lol.
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I tried RainX on my visor last year and it was utterly useless. Then again, also I tried it on my car windscreen and that didn't seem to work either. The bottle is about 3 years old though, does it go off?

I don't have pinlock, never worn a pinlock visor, fog has always been a nightmare, but thankfully the AGV can open up about a cm on just one side. Allowing for a tiny air gap whilst not letting in wind and only some drops of rain. Stops fogging. But, when it's freezing... I wish I had pinlock lol.

It's well worth it, they work amazingly well. Like TripleT I didn't even realise my last helmet had come with one, and when I discovered it I fitted it and thought it was going to be useless as it made everything blurry with a funny green tint. Then I noticed there was a protective film on it that needs to be removed... :o
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I was advised not to use Rain-X on my visor, as the product is designed to be used on glass, and could be corrosive or degrade your visor.

I've heard this before, specifically that it could cause the plastic to become brittle, but then there are some helmet manufacturers that have said it's ok to use (can't remember who of the top of my head, google would probably find it).

The bottle of stuff I have is now in the bin anyway as it just doesn't seem to work any more, though I've used it on a car with good results in the past.
I've heard this before, specifically that it could cause the plastic to become brittle, but then there are some helmet manufacturers that have said it's ok to use (can't remember who of the top of my head, google would probably find it).

The bottle of stuff I have is now in the bin anyway as it just doesn't seem to work any more, though I've used it on a car with good results in the past.

Not just me then. I wouldn't take the risk personally. Anything that has the potential to mess with a bit of life-saving kit is off the cards for me.
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