Holy Crap

12 Jan 2004
Took this the other weekend whilst looking around the garden:


Its 100% crop but with no PP. Hand held too! Was amazed at the clarity of my Zuiko 14-54mm, its not even a macro lens. If you look close you can see my relection in its carapace! :eek:
AdWright said:
Nice, but as you say it's at 100%, the fly would only be a couple of cm across if you printed it

Very true. I guess its nothing special really, but I was really pleased that I managed to get it that sharp hand held! ;)
Yeah that is pretty sharp for a 100%

For comparison, this a 100% crop from a shot taken using a Canon 100mm Macro lens.

AdWright said:
What's the miniumum focusing distance on the canon? Looks like you're relatively far away if that is a 100% crop?
Yeah I was far away, get too close to a flying hover and they fly away :(
Minimum focus distance is 31cm

This is the full image of the crop above


This is at the min focus distance and 1:1 life size

wez - are you the chap with the modified 35-80mm lens? If so, would you mind letting me know how the lens is modified? I can't remember how you did it (reversed/front element removed etc.) and I would like to get a lens off ebay and have a go myself. Thanks :)
SDK^ said:
Of course it's mine - [/URL]

Not trying to hi-jack but......

You've got some marvellous shots out there. I followed the links, the (blue) eye is outstanding!
AdWright said:
wez - are you the chap with the modified 35-80mm lens? If so, would you mind letting me know how the lens is modified? I can't remember how you did it (reversed/front element removed etc.) and I would like to get a lens off ebay and have a go myself. Thanks :)

lol, i do use the 35-80 lens, but it is in no way modified, totally standard, however, i bought a lens reversing adapter off ebay for around £10, basically, it has the bayonet canon fit on one side, and screw on the other side, you screw it onto your lens as you would a filter (52mm btw), then fit it onto the body reversed. set the lens at 35mm and focus on your object, you do have to get very close to your subject and DOF is a big issue, however, DoF can be sorted by mounting your lens as normal, setting the aperture to say F/13 or something, holding the DoF preview button whilst removing the lens, then mount lens backwards again. it's a challenge getting good photo's but at the same time, it's addictive and rewarding when you do get a good photo :)
I'm guessing that it must have been taken with a lens that can achieve 5x or more enlargement, ie 1mm in real life would be projected onto 5mm of the sensor. I believe the 'bellows' type of macro lenses can do this. (Or perhaps extensive use of extension tubes on a macro lens?)
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