Literately everything:
Vga, HDMI, Composite, RCA if you want to use composite AND have sound coming out the projector speaker.
There are a few more but i am on my phone atm and cant check.
Last few years have seen these things drop in price massively, making a little entertainment getaway pad like this super cheap.
I haven't had time to update this log and cant find my camera. Will do a big update next week after i buy one and maybe a little video tour of the PC with a few minutes on acrylic tubing/fittings and chipset/ram blocks.
Great little setup you've got there.
I am also a culprit with awful looking potato photo's. Aside from finishing off these cables a good camera is the only thing stopping me putting up my finished rig.
So beat me to it and post up some great looking images and a video. I'll be waiting on updates