Home Lab

Doubtful as the Gen10 servers are only a few months old. Probably looking at a 2 year cycle at least until the main server line is refreshed.
I have the xeon model T20 populated it with some half price ram I managed to source where everywhere else was selling it full price.

The cpu can handle quite a bit! I run esxi 5.5 and have around 8 or 9 VMs that I can stand up and use and it seems to have more room to utilise once it settles down .

They are pretty quiet although I'm not worried about noise as it's hosted in a garage in a house 30 miles away :p
Issue is, my main machine right now is a Macbook Pro. Desktop has pretty much been shelved.

I don't think it's going to stop with WS to be honest, probably play around with VMS software, piHole, Home Automation and pfSense - I can quickly see it becoming 1 or 2 servers...

My home server has been running for years now. It's a poor spec: 4 CPU/12gb RAM HP ml110.

I run pihole, AD, owncloud, and rdsh/plex on esxi 6.5 It all runs absolutely fine.

Stick with the old hardware for this... you simply don't need the latest and greatest for a home setup and it baffles me when folk do.
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