Home made case

Looks cool! Keep us all updated - I'm thinking of building an aluminium case soon myself because I can't seem to find any case that has everything I want, exactly how I want it!

Two questions: How are you bending the aluminium and how are you going to stick all the pieces together?
nightwish said:
Looks cool! Keep us all updated - I'm thinking of building an aluminium case soon myself because I can't seem to find any case that has everything I want, exactly how I want it!

Two questions: How are you bending the aluminium and how are you going to stick all the pieces together?

Thats why I'm doing it. Everything will be held together using countersunk screws and nyloc nuts on the chassis frame. Thats the idea I have for now anyhoo(new ideas as I go). I'm using steel metal plates aswell for bracing the case tightly together and also something to screw the little chrome feet into that I plan on using.

My method of bending is pretty naff If I'm honest. It involves a large metal ruler, stanley blade and a workmate with 2 x strong metal bars.lol

Not the best way I know and I have to be careful not to score to deep into the aluminium as to avoid the thing breaking as soon as you bend. Where I have got it right with the scoring its extremely strong and can only really be bent again in a vice..

The problem now Is just getting time to carry on with it.
You could use blind rivets if the screw idea doesn't pan out, allthough im not sure how much they cost.

Quick question, what is the best way to polish the alluminium? I have made a few light scores into one of the sheets. Are the felt polishing drill bits what I need? I have the polishing cloth disc but that just sheens obviously.

I have cheated a little with my m/board tray, its gonna be a bit like a tj07 as far as being all aluminium except for the tray.lol
Ive heard that some wet and dry used with baby oil gets good results on aluminum. Id use some fine stuff like 1200 to get the scratch out and then some very fine stuff to polish it up. If the wet and dry doesn't buff it up then some aluminum polishing solution should do the job.

Using the W'n'Dry seems to kill the finish. Atleast the way I am doing it. I've managed to get a aluminium polish kit from an auction site this-evening for a couple'a'quid. Consists of polishing soaps and felt/cloth polishers. Will let you know how I get on.

I also have some mesh aluminium for the front panel which I'll get round to making soon.
.....this stuff

David230 said:
Thanks Mark.

Thats a nice finish he's got!!

Next question, Could anyone point me to someone who does blowhole trim for use with my case build?

No competitor talk please no matter how clever you think it is! Any more and there will be some holidays handed out!
I received my fan guards and rubber moulding strips this-morning.

The rubber moulding fits perfectly to the gauge of aluminium I am using for the chassis.

The only problem is finding the best way to keep the rubber snug in the corners without making it look messy and at the same time making a solid fit.

Any solutions?
If its a circle you are trimming just cut the trim a few mm longer than you need and it should push the trim right into the edge. If that doesn't work superglue would probably stick it but unless you have nimble fingers you might be in A&E having a case surgically removed :eek: .

Did'nt explain my task properly. I'm actually trying to get the rubber to stay in 90deg corners without pushing out. Superglues about the only thing i can think of at the moment.
I think superglue should do the job, you can buy activator as well that makes it dry almost instantly, i use it all the time and it makes it a lot easier. Have some acetone nail-polish remover near by just in case ;) .

rear chassis panel with psu cut-out while 120mm blow hole and mobo tray (i/o /expansion etc) still to cut.

The protective film did'nt want to stay in place properly so took it off of fear I might go a bit too wayward cutting out.

What do you think to the layout so far with that, before I cut.lol

Looks nice! How are you going to fix all the cards (graphics/pci etc) in place? Are you going to have covers for unused pci slots?

Oh, and where are you getting your materials from?
I have swiped a motherboard tray with I/o panel attatched So its just a case of me cutting a straightforward hole into the rear of the above sheet. It will be steel mind and not Aluminium but I think if I was to try and make my own piece for all the cards and i/o I would mess it up. Easier this way. :)

Auction site for the materials. Just bought a rivet gun off there for £2.50 plus 100 rivets. lol

Should have the mobo tray and fan holes sorted tomorrow. Slow project cos I have very little time to actually do it..
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Got the blowhole and I/O cutouts done in about 15min's thanks to the jigsaw.
Next move is to clean up the edges then move onto the rest of the chassis panels. It looks rough at the moment I know, but until I know for sure I have all my holes cut I wont be doing any finishing to any of the panels.

Heres a couple of pics,


Need to modify the i/o panel as you can see from pic below.


Mobo tray is fixed. I was debating on making it so it slid out the back as it would'nt be too difficult to do, I'd just have to drill out the rivets on the runner used on the old case then fix in place. I decided against the idea because I remember this was something that use to vibrate in the old case where the tray had slight movement in the runner. I would personally much prefer to have the whole thing solid and theres gonna be plenty of space to actually fit the motherboard so not a problem imo..
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