Home server for multiple VM's

I run a Ryzen 1700/32GB UnRAID box, it works well, power efficient (65w as 1700 rather than 1700x or above), it runs a multitude of docker/VM's quite nicely, my ESXi stuff is all x99 based Xeon ES/i7 builds as they were significantly more compatible in the early days and I tended to pick up cheap parts as I went (my MB+CPU+RAM was less than the cost of the 1700 near launch). Longevity and performance wise the AM4 platform is a no brainer now, compatibility wise i'd probably pick x99, but that's based on purely anecdotal and historic feelings - I haven't pushed ESXi onto the Ryzen as it's got a different job.
Does it have to be VMWare/ESXi?

Hyper-V is another option (and works quite well with Windows Admin Centre installed so you can manage it via a webpage), or worth looking at Proxmox (particularly if you end up with older enterprise kit - it's based on a Linux distro so has much wider hardware support)

I mentioned VMware as its just what I'm comfortable with and used to, but Hyper-V has been mentioned to me by someone else too. Is it possible to run Hyper-V on Windows Server 2016 on some of these older Enterprise level bits of kit? Also, since I'm just running website based applications, is it worth considering Linux VMs rather than Windows 10 ones? Lower hardware requirements etc
I mentioned VMware as its just what I'm comfortable with and used to, but Hyper-V has been mentioned to me by someone else too. Is it possible to run Hyper-V on Windows Server 2016 on some of these older Enterprise level bits of kit? Also, since I'm just running website based applications, is it worth considering Linux VMs rather than Windows 10 ones? Lower hardware requirements etc
Depends how old, Windows 2016 does run on most kit though.

ProxMox is a great hypervisor however and well worth a go before you go to Windows. If your running web applications definitely look at linux vm's or docker :)
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