Home TRX

7 Nov 2005
Hi guys,

I can never motivate myself to go to the gym. As an alternative, I was looking at the home TRX/suspension kits using own body weight to give me a kick start. If I get into the routine then I will drive the extra 3 miles away from home after work to go to the gym and fight for the weights/machines/racks.

Has anyone used the home TRX straps? I believe they hook onto the door. Just wondering if they are totally pointless? The TRX systems at the gyms look decent for body weight exercises but they are on racks so you can move your body. This would always be against the door. Plus I would be getting a cheaper branded version like Protone or Peak Fitness.

Last edited:
19 Jul 2013
go to the gym in the morning, normally very quiet and you don't have to fight for equipment.

Before buying any equipment for home I would at least see if you can stick to a routine at home.
try just doing body weight exercises

wall walks
tricep dips
mountain climbers
etc etc

if you can keep up with doing them then look at investing in kit.
Man of Honour
3 Apr 2003
Hi guys,

Due to my extreme level of laziness I can never motivate myself to go to the gym. As an alternative, I was looking at the home TRX/suspension kits using own body weight to give me a kick start. If I get into the routine then I will drive the extra 3 miles away from home after work to go to the gym and fight for the weights/machines/racks.

Has anyone used the home TRX straps? I believe they hook onto the door. Just wondering if they are totally pointless? The TRX systems at the gyms look decent for body weight exercises but they are on racks so you can move your body. This would always be against the door. Plus I would be getting a cheaper branded version like Protone or Peak Fitness.


If you can't motivate yourself to potentially prolong your life, feel better, avoid unpleasant mid-life diseases and be more physically able by going to a gym or even looking joining a mate on a bike ride/run, do you really think you will use the TRX kit at home, when you know you can use them any time (because they're there), and you will just put it off another day because there is something important you need to do at home?

Whilst only you know the answer to this question, I suspect it will wind up the same as my inlaws' treadmill: folded up after being used three times.

TRX kit is great for functional stability work and - if you are creating - a certain amount of strength work.
7 Nov 2005
If you can't motivate yourself to potentially prolong your life, feel better, avoid unpleasant mid-life diseases and be more physically able by going to a gym or even looking joining a mate on a bike ride/run, do you really think you will use the TRX kit at home, when you know you can use them any time (because they're there), and you will just put it off another day because there is something important you need to do at home?

I knew I was going to get a little bit of stick for my lazy comment and it is a fair point ;)

At the minute I'm playing Touch Rugby two nights a week plus a full day every other weekend during the summer season. I really don't find the weights room in the gym motivating so forcing myself to go never really gets me into the routine. I've managed to go three times a week for a month before I was playing Touch but still really wasn't enjoying it at all.

I know that if I had some very basic bits to be able to do body weight stuff at home before work and get myself up to a level where I need to use the gym.

I wasn't looking at spending hundreds, just the £30 pull up bar and £30 suspension kit will allow me to do some solid strength/flexibility routines. If you guys tell me it's a waste of money then I'll force myself to hit the gym.
Man of Honour
3 Apr 2003
I knew I was going to get a little bit of stick for my lazy comment and it is a fair point ;)

At the minute I'm playing Touch Rugby two nights a week plus a full day every other weekend during the summer season. I really don't find the weights room in the gym motivating so forcing myself to go never really gets me into the routine. I've managed to go three times a week for a month before I was playing Touch but still really wasn't enjoying it at all.

I know that if I had some very basic bits to be able to do body weight stuff at home before work and get myself up to a level where I need to use the gym.

I wasn't looking at spending hundreds, just the £30 pull up bar and £30 suspension kit will allow me to do some solid strength/flexibility routines. If you guys tell me it's a waste of money then I'll force myself to hit the gym.

It isn't automatically any more a waste of money than spending £** a month on an unused gym membership. :)

I would do what kaptainmarc suggests and try a simple BW routine to get started. You can do a fair amount with your own BW, a rucksack of books/water and a dining room table...

You will - after a few weeks - realise that you are then limited by what you have at home and need moar... which is where the gym comes in. :cool:
7 Nov 2005
Not trying to preach about the gym, but aren't there people you play rugby with who you could go to the gym with? I've always found it a lot easier to go to the gym when I've lived with people who I go with. Then what did you do whilst there? Because eg. if you'd just go in and do some steady state cardio I could see it getting boring, but if you mixed it up with some of that, some HIIT, some weights (with you and your friend pushing each other to improve, rather than competing directly if you're different sizes), etc. I'm sorry if you did that and still hated it, but to me I've always liked the gym if I mixed it up a bit, got motivation from improving, and being with friends who pushed me and who I could push.

Would definitely be easier with mates, but they all live elsewhere. This is a gym paid for by work so I have asked around but because of distances commuted, there seems to be different times people go. Will keep my eye out though.
5 Jul 2003
TRX is brilliant.

One of the exercises I do on it has improved my fitness more than any other exercise or sport I do. It leaves me gasping and crying on the floor. It has helped my skiing, running and cycling.

3 sets of 35 squat jumps when you hold the trx with straight-ish arms and lean back so your jumping motion is an arc out and back.

Engaging the arms help develop and recruit other muscles.
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