Homosexual Colours

Is it that surprising when we're talking about a country who's idea of 'progressive' is to let women drive without a make family member.

I'm just amazed that because I had a rainbow pencil as a child I'm now a massively fabulous man lover! I never put 2 and 2 together. I don't know how to approach my wife with this new found info. Although she has some rainbow socks so apparently she now needs to wear plaid, get an undercut and reject the sosaj.
Homosexuality was legalised in the UK in 1967. Wasn't that long ago really.

It's particularly shameful that Alan Turing committed suicide due to how he was treated.

Did we have gay colours then too? Were they hunting out our young and Zazzing them up?
Sat at my desk, I can see my kids toys, some of them anyway.
I have a piano, xylophone, duplo marble run built up an a puzzle box - ALL GAY. My kids own gay toys, come to think of it my eldest has a gay bedroom and they all draw gay landscapes.

Yup...clearly those gay toys have turned them gay.

I mean I'm not sure how it's a problem even if they were but hey ho.
**deleted quote removed**

There are definitely some people that push a very strong gay agenda, and one thing that does grate on me is behaviour is tolerated from the lgbtq community that would not be accepted elsewhere.
The whole point is that we should be pushing that we're all equal and the same.
Yes, there is absolutely no need to have slogans etc on babies clothing. That's just weird.
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Equal rights does not mean gays are the same as straight people, that is as crazy as saying men and women are the same. The point of equal rights is not so that everyone conforms to the white heterosexual male view of the world, it's so we can be who we want to be without discrimination.

I hear this a lot from straight people and clearly there should be open discussions behaviour, regardless of who you are and what group you are talking about. As long as it is not insensitive and constructive then we're all good imo. The thing is though this is a two way street, there are behaviours related to sex and relationships which are tolerated in the heteronormative western society which quite frankly shouldn't be. When I've raised these issues in the past to straight people, often the response is "oh but I/the majority don't do that", and then I hope they appreciate how a gay person feels being asked to defend or apologise for the actions of a minority of people in our community.

The difference is you tend not to get parades or prime-time TV shows focused on inappropriate heterosexual behaviour. Tbh you might have to give us some examples of what you mean.
As an example of what I'm talking about, why does a guy need to parade through the middle of a city centre in the middle of the day wearing bright pink leather assless chaps whilst straddling a guy in a full vinyl leather gimp suit?
Couldn’t you just say that it’s adults dressing up?

Like, I hear you but kids don’t look at dressed up adults and think “yeah, that’s kinky AF”.

It’s just like you contextualising that excessively drunk uncle at the party who gropes all of the women or swearing or the occasional time they might see boobs in a movie or violence on TV.

Like, it’s not hard to sit down with your kids and tell them that there are some things that they will understand when they are older and give them enough info to support their understanding of the world without destroying their innocence.

You can’t wrap your kids in bubble wrap and hide them from the world.

There are behaviours that ALL adults do that impact to kids development.

One of the worst ones is repressing emotions because “you’re a man” and “big boys don’t cry” and then wondering why men suffer so disproportionately from suicide.

And don’t get me started on the “boys will be boys” phrase, that’s just enabling rape culture.

You could say that, but as I mentioned previously if I were to walk down the street like that on Tuesday afternoon I'd sharp get taken aside by a police officer for a friendly chat because its not socially acceptable. It is not a normal thing to be walking around with your backside out and Dave on a leash, whether you're straight or gay.
And you're right, kids are often too mollycoddled these days but there are also limits. Death is a natural part of life, its often horrible, should we parade kids through palliative care wards?
Imagine defending sexualised public behaviour around children, this is where you're at man, that's the hill you've chosen to die on. You can be completely accepting of all types of people and just say, yeah we shouldn't allow sexualised behaviour in public around kids. It isn't homophobic.

Actually fair comment and goes back to my point of we are all equal.
Imagine attacking public homosexual behaviour and leaving out the point that hetero couples do it all the time and then claiming to not be a homophobe.

hand on a ladies bum? Entirely acceptable. Man on another mans bum? HOW DARE THEY!

But he didn't say that. He actually said the direct opposite.
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Absolutely, let me pick one example (I have a few) because I don't want to derail this thread with an entirely different topic. I'll also use very broad strokes because, again, I don't want to derail things.

Parents who have messy breakups/divorces, or better yet stay together "for the children". My God, I think it is the single most effective way to **** up a child and still be legal.

I get it, relationships break down, people change etc, but the behaviour I have seen men and women do in this situation is absolutely shocking. I have seen, both as a child and now as an adult,

* a parent complain and whinge about the ex in front of their children (putting in mildly)
* parents who refused to communicate with each other and only exchange messages through the intermediary child
* parents who sulked for days over minute things that annoyed them
* parents who wouldn't even come to the door when taking a child between households

and I came from a relatively stable family! This is purely stuff I've seen through friends and extended family. I have no doubt there are people on this forum have worse personal stories to tell.

At some point these people decided to have a child together, Now they're acting worse than the child they're meant to raise! It is such a terrible example these people are setting for their children. In my fantasy world of infinite resources, this would be classified as child abuse and their should be severe repercussions for doing this. Of course it isn't because it is so common it's completely unenforceable.

To be clear I am not saying all divorces end this way, a lot end amicably which is the best of a bad situation. Also, I know sometimes people do unforgivable things that mean they deserve to be treated harshly by the other partner. However, in my experience most relationships end with neither party being squeaky clean. In general, if you can't treat the person you decided to have a child with with the most basic level of dignity and respect then you shouldn't be raising children.

Rant over :), you can carry on complaining about pride.
Wtf has that got to do with heterosexuality? Pretty sure gay parents can and do do the same.
They can, but clearly it is a bigger problem in the heterosexual world than the homosexual one, purely by numbers if nothing else. I mean, by your argument my counter to your point of gays wearing "pink leather assless chaps" is that in pride straight people participate and I'm sure there is at least one example of one ending up in a state of undress.

Right, you've just countered your own point. I don't think you've actually understood the argument.
I'll state it again, why is it when it comes to minority events that behaviour is acceptable from them that would not ordinarily be acceptable?
where a homosexual says a parent should lie to their child when it asks what men are doing when it sees them simulating buggery on a carnival float and tell them "They are just dressing up".

I think this is one of the most beautiful pieces of text ever written
I understood it perfectly thank you :), you missed my point.

I never contested that sexual behaviour happens at pride, one of the whole points is to celebrate sexual diversity. I am absolutely sure you have attended many prides in your life and saw this "pink leather assless chaps" individual yourself.

My point was that homophobic people use this point as a "won't somebody think of the children!" argument. If you take the opportunity to criticise the behaviour of some at pride, I'm going to take the opportunity to criticise the significant minority of heterosexual people who actually harm their children on a continuing basis in a legal manner and is deemed acceptable in our heteronormative society.

Trust me, a parent's negative reaction to a child coming out will do far more damage to a child than anything they could see at pride.

Again, as I've already said, the damaging behaviour you describe is equally attributable to homosexual parents and is not acceptable in either instance. I'll repeat again to see if it clicks, why is behaviour tolerated from minority groups that is not acceptable in wider society?
We appear to be going around in circles.

The behaviour I described is clearly endemic in heteronormative culture and not a homosexual one, how many gay couples do you think have children? I also strongly refute it is not deemed acceptable in society, but let's not derail the thread on that.

Again, to stress this point, if you are saying the problem I outlined is equally attributable to gays and straight people then the behaviour of people at pride is equally attributable to straight people as well as gays, because lots straight allies attend. For all you know that guy you saw could be straight!

Could well be straight but it's a minority focused event and it's incredibly unlikely from his behaviour he was straight...but perhaps all of those people doing such things at pride events and carnivals etc are just saboteurs.

And yes, I'm sure absolutely no gay couple has ever harmed their children.

Star Hobson...Liam Fee...
Of course it is an absurd argument, that is my point :). I wasn't seriously suggesting that the person you saw was straight. So please accept that it is equally absurd to suggest that the problem I raised equally impacts the gay and straight communities, it simply doesn't.

Please don't present strawman arguments. My issue was comparing one culturally acceptable event (pride) to another (messy breakups), not criminal behaviour.

Anyway, I'm out. I think I made my point.

Yes, you brought in a completely irrelevant point. A breakup is a personal event between a couple, their sexuality is moot. It has no bearing on it. I've already explained this to you. It didn't sink in.
You then tried for some reason and with no supporting evidence to claim I was wrong and that somehow heterosexual couples breaking up is worse for children. If someone built the scarecrow, that would be you with your original inane claim.

So, now on to the point again that you still haven't addressed. Why is it acceptable for some minority groups (or seemingly their supporters since apparently they're probably straight according to you) to exhibit behaviour in public that wouldn't be accepted by others?
I don't really understand the point being made with these arguments.

[but X thing is also bad/much worse]

So what? That doesn't negate the thing being complained about, does it?
It reminds me of when I was a kid and my sister would get caught doing something wrong. She'd always bring up something I'd done to try and save her own hide.
To be fair, the LGBTQ community has spent the last few decades insisting that the rainbow is a queer symbol. So the Saudis can hardly be criticised for arriving at the same conclusion.

But a rainbow pencil isn't a gay icon, it's just a pencil.
Also the rainbow doesn't specifically symbolise just one thing, that's kind of it's point. It's made up of many colours and all are equal.
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