I prefer the sportier, fully faired look
Don't get a Sports Tourer then get an out an out Sports bike. You'll get bored of a CBR-F within 3 months anyway.
I prefer the sportier, fully faired look
You'll get bored of a CBR-F within 3 months anyway.
Don't get a Sports Tourer then get an out an out Sports bike. You'll get bored of a CBR-F within 3 months anyway.
Don't get a Sports Tourer then get an out an out Sports bike. You'll get bored of a CBR-F within 3 months anyway.
Don't get a Sports Tourer then get an out an out Sports bike. You'll get bored of a CBR-F within 3 months anyway.
I'd be amazed if that was the case.
Not if he gets the old ones when there were still a sports bike
To be honest I was only taking the ****, A CBR-F will do ya for a year as a first bike especially seeings as he plans on doing a bit of touring.
It's a lovely bike & a lot less Toury than I thought it would be. One thing I'd worry about though is spending 5k on your first big bike. You could get a very capable bike for under 2k. It's your money though so it's your choice just my opinion.
As for other bikes just about every manufacturer does a Sports Tourer, All you have to do is decide what kind of bike you want & then look at every manufacturers example.
Honda are the best for reliability & resale value though.
As for the bike above looking small it's because you are looking down on it to take the pic, Next time crouch down level with the bike.
Lastly feel free to ask as many questions as you want as I'm like every biker in the World who can chat **** about bikes/biking all day & all night.![]()
You're going to have to go a long way to beat your mates bike, You know it's History, It's already been sensibly modded & it's at a fair price according to You for Gibraltar.
Just about anything you try now will feel inferior & probably will be anyways.
As for dropping it you can fit crash bungs which will prevent most damage on a walking pace drop.
You will be keeping the bike for a few years though so even if you binned it you could still make it rideable & rebuild it as & when you have the cash.
Just because it's your first big bike it doesn't automatically mean you'll drop it, You've spent a year on your Varadero for starters & there fairly big for a 1T.
Sounds to me you've already made up your mind but you have a few 'what if's'...Pretty sure they would be gone once you are riding it down the road
To be honest how you look on it makes no difference, it's all down to how you feel when you're on it.
You could get a bigger bike and it look "right" but that's of no use if you feel like your flapping about when you're sat on it and can't get comfy.
Haha phewph! When I test drove it, it felt like a heck of a lot of bike to me. But considering my previous experience is only on a 125 I guess it would.
What other bikes should I look out for that are similar? Ie. good for a bit of touring, but have similar sporty looks?
Before I settle I'm going to have a look around all of the (usually) overpriced dealers to see their used sections. My mate would take £5k min for his bike, so it's a fair bit of budget for me to look for other used 600's I think.
Oh and found this pic on my phone I got him to take of me on his bike. Head blanked as we took it at the end before I left so bike was off and I wasn't wearing a helmet lol...
Looking at it now, bike actually looks a bit small? Sitting on it, it feels huge to me, but in the photo it's not so big.