Honda S2000 Replacement Soft Top

It's not been Jack for a long time, it's his son who I seem to remember being called Raymond, but could be wrong.

Lovely chap, but does look like you're driving down a tiny back-alley and going to have the car nicked

I had mine done in 2013 I think, the day of the eclipse.
How on earth did you manage that?! Are you also leaving the donor car on bricks for effect?

I have no idea, found it on one of S2000 facebook groups. The guy who's selling it has a Hardtop fitted, He's been trying to sell the soft top for a while now but no one was biting at all. He originally had it up for £300 and dropped it down to £50 just to clear his garage and when I mentioned I'll come collect, he said he'll throw in the standard exhaust for free, cant argue with that :)

Worst case scenario, I've only paid £50 for both items. If I have to, I'll just drive down to Swansea and get a new one fitted :D
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