OK so the last project you saw from me was this. About a year back, IIRC. I was having issues with the 2080Ti on the air cooler. Bad VRAM. It wouldn't run on the air cooler, hence this build.
It was all going well until about three months back when I fancied a play through of FO4 with the new textures. Well, I say new, but by that time they were old. I had to down clock the VRAM by over 600mhz just to get it stable. I have struggled through several issues with the game I play more than anything (PUBG) and as every update for it rolls out I have to down clock the VRAM more and more to cope with it. Well the latest update with the new lighting engine and etc make the card crash on Erangel (one of the maps) no matter what frequency the VRAM is at. And it isn't a typical PUBG crash, I get coloured orbs all over the screen so I am quite used to it being a VRAM crash.
At first I was going to replace the GPU. Thing is I am tired of buying blocks that are supposed to fit but don't, and the price of blocks and etc. I'm sick of very expensive GPUs needing even more money spent on them. So, I bought this. 6700XT Strix, £350.
As I say, if I spend £130 odd on a block I kick all of the value out of it. So now I need a new case. Because the GPU won't fit in the front with the glass on. And even if it did (it won't, the 2080Ti wouldn't either) I would have to completely redo all of the tubing just for the CPU. CBA. I think this is the end of my water cooling days tbh.
So that rig you see above it at my mother's. She's getting on a lot and I have to do lots for her. So I am over there a lot, probably about 50% of my life. At home? I have my baby. This.
So I wanted something sleek and stylish for mum's too. This was the perfect choice.
I got the PCIE 4 version on OCUK B grade. It cost me £150...
Along with this (so £150 all in).
Checked it over, it is still sealed.
The rest of the parts will be taken from the red rig above.3950x X570i Strix, two 1tb NVME (in the board) 16gb Dom Plat, 600w EVGA Supernova etc.
This here is a genius touch. My hands are literally clapping because this is the bit where they get absolutely torn to pieces in a ITX build.
It was all going well until about three months back when I fancied a play through of FO4 with the new textures. Well, I say new, but by that time they were old. I had to down clock the VRAM by over 600mhz just to get it stable. I have struggled through several issues with the game I play more than anything (PUBG) and as every update for it rolls out I have to down clock the VRAM more and more to cope with it. Well the latest update with the new lighting engine and etc make the card crash on Erangel (one of the maps) no matter what frequency the VRAM is at. And it isn't a typical PUBG crash, I get coloured orbs all over the screen so I am quite used to it being a VRAM crash.
At first I was going to replace the GPU. Thing is I am tired of buying blocks that are supposed to fit but don't, and the price of blocks and etc. I'm sick of very expensive GPUs needing even more money spent on them. So, I bought this. 6700XT Strix, £350.
As I say, if I spend £130 odd on a block I kick all of the value out of it. So now I need a new case. Because the GPU won't fit in the front with the glass on. And even if it did (it won't, the 2080Ti wouldn't either) I would have to completely redo all of the tubing just for the CPU. CBA. I think this is the end of my water cooling days tbh.
So that rig you see above it at my mother's. She's getting on a lot and I have to do lots for her. So I am over there a lot, probably about 50% of my life. At home? I have my baby. This.
So I wanted something sleek and stylish for mum's too. This was the perfect choice.
I got the PCIE 4 version on OCUK B grade. It cost me £150...
Along with this (so £150 all in).
Checked it over, it is still sealed.
The rest of the parts will be taken from the red rig above.3950x X570i Strix, two 1tb NVME (in the board) 16gb Dom Plat, 600w EVGA Supernova etc.
This here is a genius touch. My hands are literally clapping because this is the bit where they get absolutely torn to pieces in a ITX build.
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