Honeymoon Suggestions please

14 Nov 2002
Under the Hill
I am getting married on October 28th this year and am looking for some locations for our Honeymoon. We only have a week free after the wedding and so want to avoid anything long haul. The only other criteria is that it has to be warm. In terms of packages, we can spend around 2-3k for the the honeymoon, not including spending money so we should have plenty to choose from.

So far, top of my list is Morocco, but think my other half might prefer somewhere a bit more modern, however I am not sure where in Europe may have the appropriate temperatures at that time of year. Maybe the South of Italy.

I'm just after some good ideas as I will probably book in the next few weeks to get it out of they ways. Thanks for any help :)
I know you said no long haul but Las Vegas should be the at the top of your list if you haven't been before. ******* amazing place.
Try looking at the Aeolian Islands off the north coast of Sicily. I spent 4 days of my Honeymoon there and they are stunning. El Gekki on Stromboli served the best meal I've ever had (and I've dined at GR, Petrus, Fat Duck, etc). After that we moved on to Sicily, Tuscany and Rome.

I'd have my doubts about Morocco; I really want to go, but every female I know who has been just has horror stories about both receiving hassle (abuse and advances) if they are not accompanied by a male and being completely ignored if they are accompanied by a male. My wife won't even consider it for a long weekend after hearing those stories.

Might not be the best place to take your other half if you want her to relax and feel special.
My wife and I went to Sorrento in the south of Italy for our honeymoon two years ago - it's a place I can thorughly recommend, the food is fantastic :D

There's loads to do - Rome is only a few hours away (which is amazing) and it should be well within your budget.

Edited - just to say Naples is a dump, dont even consider going there - looked well dodgy when we drove through it - am sure like all countries though its going to have its bad areas.
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Another vote for Italy, pretty much anywhere, except Florence because it's not very exciting. But in all seriousness it's not too expensive to travel there, and it really is a beautiful place. I noticed big differences between the north and south and I really enjoyed Venice as just a nice city and a bit different from other cities being on the canals etc.
Another vote for Italy, pretty much anywhere, except Florence because it's not very exciting. But in all seriousness it's not too expensive to travel there, and it really is a beautiful place. I noticed big differences between the north and south and I really enjoyed Venice as just a nice city and a bit different from other cities being on the canals etc.

are you joking? If you didn't enjoy Florence, then you missed something big.
Rome will give you the best all round experience. Florence will give art and churches if you are into that.
Another vote for Sorrento - and you can hop on a train to Pompeii from there too. Not sure about the weather that time of year though..................

For long haul - we went to Cuba for a week and it was superb value as it was all inclusive.
Cyprus is a good bet at that time of year as the temperatures are still around the late 70's\early 80's and they have great food!!. For the funds you have you can have a great time but bear in mind the "tourist season" is finished by then so most bars and restaurants will be quiet.

Alternatively something in Northern Africa (Tunisia\Morocco) or even Egypt and Israel and the perennial Africa if you fancy some wildlife with your heat?!!
I'd go for Italy somewhere ... Venice, Tuscany or the Lakes. They might not be quite warm enough, in which case I'd go for one fo the Greek islands, for the money you're looking to spend you should be able to get something pretty exclusive (possibly Malta or Madiera also).
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