Hong Kong Pics (56k suicide)

20 Oct 2002
Hong Kong was the first stop of our 6 week tour, we were there for only 4 days and it rained a fair bit. I was still getting to grips with my D50 (hence the night shots are mostly at ISO200.. how i managed that i dont know.. so excuse the blurriness whilst i tried to take 1sec exposures handheld, lol). So there's been a lot of 'rescuing' done with this lot. There will more to come -- from NZ, Sydney and Bangkok when i started to get into the swing of things. Comments welcome of course.





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(12) This is the type of weather we had to contend with!

EDIT: Woops, numbers would be useful! :)
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Nice pics :)

Took me back to my vacation in Hong Kong in February last year.

Hong Kong is most certainly best viewed from 'The Peak' at night (weather permitting) time so therefore no.5 is my pic of the bunch :)

Crazy tram ride to the top there though!
Some great pics there mate (apart from 7, that noise is awful.... ah wait thats why, its a nikon :p *runs*) Only thing i would say is that some of them are slightly overexposed, meaning the sky is blown out. I especially like the b+w on number 4 and number 5. Thats a good effort if its handheld!
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brocksta said:
Some great pics there mate (apart from 7, that noise is awful.... ah wait thats why, its a nikon :p *runs*) Only thing i would say is that some of them are slightly overexposed, meaning the sky is blown out. I especially like the b+w on number 4 and number 5. Thats a good effort if its handheld!

Hehe i think the noise is probably more to do with my (over)processing than anything. Most of those skies you wouldnt recognise from the original RAWs. It was just so dull. I decided to bump up the exposure/levels a lot in the skies to bring out the clouds, which i think makes them a bit more interesting -- if slightly surreal. :)
Adam W said:
any chance of a full size pic of 5 or 8? my girlfriend is obsessed with the idea of moving to hong kong and wants one for her background. [email protected] if poss :D

YGM. Although at that res its a lot easier to spot the handheld-ness :p

And Mr_Sukebe, sorry. This is the best i could do!


I'm not confident enough to go around pointing my camera at people apart from my friends, plus it rained so much that i couldnt walk around with it for more than 5mins until the heavens opened :p
All rather amazing shots, my only critaism would be that number 7 looks a bit noisy. My favourite is number 5, amazing picture.
nice pics :)

the weather was pretty poor when i was there a few weeks ago,lots of grey clouds and a very little light , a lot of my shots have a very dull look to them :(
really nice shots. All have great tone and depth of field. Even the shots of your friends have real punch...and they are snap shot style images.

2&11 are crackers
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