Hopefully not a TJ07 fail

Sorry for lack of photos, I have been acquainting mr Dremel with case today. As soon as I can I will be putting up a barrage of photos, including those of the Coldzero parts :)

This is beginning to be a much sexier build compared to my previous noob attempts.

I am halfway through cutting out a section if the rear tray for cable routing. I hope to finish that tomorrow and begin a rebuild!!!!
I have promised update after update and failed in that respect. But today I will do the big reveal... :)

First the packages that arrived:



This includes, motherboard tray, back plate, PSU plate and midplate.

I am really pleased with the quality of all the parts and am particularly chuffed with the ease of putting it all together.

Motherboard tray quickly installed


The rad is not staying like that :)

Next after close inspection the CPU block needed a clean out.


This is where things started to get tricky. I had to cut a hole for the tubes to pass through and to also cut a gap at the rear of the motherboard to allow cables through. If I am honest the workmanship is poor and I think this is an area which in my opinion is an oversight for Silverstone.

I'm gonna leave it there for now but will be back with more asap.

Next: How not to tube up the CF gpus?
How not to cut holes in your case
Final images etc.

If anyone has any questions about any of the Coldzero products I am happy to answer them. :)
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I installed the SSDs but ended up turning them the other way round so I could cable them easier:

The rear of the case is looking soo much better:


My poor craftsmanship. I intend to better this in the summer after I finish my course and am on holidays.


and again:

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there is 2 screws one just above the psu and another closer to the 5 1/4" bays. Both black hex screws provided. You can't see them in the pics because the lip of the structural midplate is in the way.

It is a tight fit to get in and you need to take the motherboard tray out to fit it.
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