Horror films

I liked The Hills Have Eyes (2006 remake), not seen the Wes Craven original though.
Severance was quite entertaining and fairly recent, very British humour throughout and decently enough acted.

28 Days Later and Dog Soldiers are both also worth watching if you haven't already seen them.

Whatever you do steer clear of Cabin Fever, only entertaining for an ex-Power Ranger getting her kit off and even that can't raise it above the mediocre. In fact while I'm suggesting what you should avoid I'll also throw Jeepers Creepers (+ 2) and Wrong Turn into the mix as both have potential but totally mess it up. :)
Some suggestions like the evil dead (80's horror):

Nightmare on elm street, friday 13th, halloween, cannibal holocaust (and it's spin off cannibal ferox). I could also reccomend The Wicker Man, and the night of the living dead series.

Films like Ringu:
Ju-on: The Grudge, Audition and Ichi the Killer (Miike Takeshi films), Battle Royale, also another wierd suggestion Versus which is kind of a comedy-matrix style fighting-zombie mix.
They rarely make any good horror films now, you need to step back to the 70's if you actually want a scare.

Don't Look Now
The Omen
The Shining
Friday the 13th
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I quite liked "Salems Lot" I gotta real problem with freshly dug graves.

S'pose it's cuz i'm closer to mine than most people on here :eek:
Nitrox said:
I quite liked "Salems Lot" I gotta real problem with freshly dug graves.

S'pose it's cuz i'm closer to mine than most people on here :eek:

Classic :D

The part were the guy is floating outside the man's window scared the crap out of me as a kid!

"I revoke my invitation. Get out!!!"
I'd highly recommend the Thia Film - Shutter


It's much better than Ringu and has some good scare tactics. Good storyline too and great ending. You won't be dissapointed.

jegz said:
Cannibal Holocaust.

Thats pretty bloody horrific in the way its well gross ;)

Maybe its just me, but I didnt find it all that bad really compared to some of the other 70's/80's gory horrors.
moss said:
Maybe its just me, but I didnt find it all that bad really compared to some of the other 70's/80's gory horrors.
I agree. Although when they cut off that guys penis it made me squirm a little. :o

As for films, I'd suggest Dawn of the dead, the remake too. Zombies are really aggressive in it, rather than just moaning and bumping into doors like the original.
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