horror game hidden gems?

Never been 1 for horror games.

1 I did enjoy, but never finished was SOMA. Also on sale at the moment.

Tormented Souls was very good. Homage to Resident Evil 1.

Not really "hidden" I guess but just in case you haven't played them there's Summer of 58 and Find Yourself by Emika Games. For a free option there's We Went Back. All of them are pretty short though.
have Summer of 58 but not herd of other two will check them out thanks

What sort of horror are you after? Cheap jump scares? Psychological? Visceral/Gore?
i will play any horror but my fav types are japanese folklore type stuff and stuff like silent hill and res evil

Have a skim through this channel https://www.youtube.com/c/IGP/videos though you'll probably find the presenting style a little too hysterical - some of his older ones were pretty good but it has gone way over the top now.
thanks will check it out
My mate came round for a LAN and I made him play FEAR 2 and it was hilarious (for me). He hit escape, threw his headset off going "nope nope nope nope" had his first Alma encounter
made me close the curtains to the conservatory after that and we went back on CSS.

I still rate Amnesia tbh, especially with all the custom content out there, there's been some incredible creations.
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