horror game hidden gems?

My mate came round for a LAN and I made him play FEAR 2 and it was hilarious (for me). He hit escape, threw his headset off going "nope nope nope nope" had his first Alma encounter
made me close the curtains to the conservatory after that and we went back on CSS.

I still rate Amnesia tbh, especially with all the custom content out there, there's been some incredible creations.
love all the fear games asept fear 3 lol
Signalis is great if you don't mind the retro aesthetic.

You've probably already played it but i'll mention it anyway, Devotion, really enjoyed this unique psychological horror game, not that long as well and can probably finish it in one sitting.

Edit - never mind, someone already mentioned it.
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i have Sanitarium on steam lol thanks for reminding me to play it lol

will check the other out too
There's something about playing horror games in DOS (real or emulated) that make horror games scarier.
Firing up horror game from an empty black screen with flashing cursor, playing the game then it exiting back to nothing but blackness.

Gaming on Windows in the mid 90s was so much more soothing
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