Horse, any recipes?

7 Nov 2009
As title really, got some Redrum (about a kilo) and wondering what would be the best thing to do with it.

Suppose we could also have a discussion on the appropriateness of eating horse. I obviously have no issue in eating it, nor do I have issue eating anything that has been raised and slaughtered properly.
tried it while in france, wasnt too keen on it to be fair, had it on a stone so was only a thin slice but just wasnt for me!
As title really, got some Redrum (about a kilo) and wondering what would be the best thing to do with it.

Suppose we could also have a discussion on the appropriateness of eating horse. I obviously have no issue in eating it, nor do I have issue eating anything that has been raised and slaughtered properly.

So you'd eat dog and cat (assuming it wasn't disgusting)? I'm not a preachy animal lover, just curious really.
So you'd eat dog and cat (assuming it wasn't disgusting)? I'm not a preachy animal lover, just curious really.

Yep, why wouldn't you.

The whole eating one animal is fine and another animal is wrong. Is not a good thing for society and should strive for a better mind set that either meat is ok or it's not. Not this irrational some are some aren't.
Yep, why wouldn't you.

The whole eating one animal is fine and another animal is wrong. Is not a good thing for society and should strive for a better mind set that either meat is ok or it's not. Not this irrational some are some aren't.

I wouldn't eat cat as I actually have pet cats and it would feel like a betrayal to them :p However, I'd probably try dog. I don't really have a moral problem with eating any of the meat (as you say, if you eat any meat at all it's a bit strange to have a problem with one kind more than any other). I would have a problem with unethical treatment of the animals though.

Anyhow, this is kind of dragging it off topic somewhat. Ahleckz, what cut of meat is it that you have? :)
For some reason I'd think it'd be something you would cook slowly, like a lamb shank or like a big chunk of beef brisket... But maybe not, don't actually know.

Let me know what it's like OP :)
Anyhow, this is kind of dragging it off topic somewhat.

Not really:

Suppose we could also have a discussion on the appropriateness of eating horse.

Anyway, I'd try horse no problem, dog and cat I'd feel funny about, rightly or wrongly. There are plenty of ingrained cultural leanings that people have because of what part of the world / society they are from, this is just another.
Im open to trying most things at least once, but I dont think I could eat horse. Same goes for rabbit. I cant give a logical argument for why not, it just feels...wrong.
Rabbit is quite tasty, never tried horse though. But my dad has eaten it a few times and says it's quite nice.
So, I'm having some tonight. I froze it, but defrosted some of it earlier today for dinner tonight. I'm just having them extremely simply - Dry frying them with a bit of salt and pepper and then throwing some butter over the top. I think the best way to sample a new flavour is simply like this.
I shall let you know how it goes. If they are nice, then I may do something more exotic with the other half.
I'm not sure what cut it is, on account of me speaking merde French...
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