Hose pipe ban?

Our regional total is down on average, but not alarmingly down. Not heard anything about a local hosepipe ban.

But I agree with @a1ex2001, if there were real concerns about water shortage then water meters would become mandatory by law, and there would be a push for rainwater harvesting systems for flushing toilets etc.
I'd argue that if people knew they'd be billed for the water they actually use, they'd think twice about running a garden sprinkler during the summer.

I bet among the 50% who've avoided a meter, are some very green gardens.
Only works if you make the costs punative, people have had no interest in saing gas or electricity for 20 years despite metering, but now suddenly with high charges people cut back it works for just about anything you can think of every car journey was essential until petrol hit £2 a litre and now suddenly we can leave our cars at home!

I do agree though that water meters should be compulsory none of this opt in nonsense, would do wanders for sales of water buts!
Only works if you make the costs punative, people have had no interest in saing gas or electricity for 20 years despite metering, but now suddenly with high charges people cut back it works for just about anything you can think of every car journey was essential until petrol hit £2 a litre and now suddenly we can leave our cars at home!

I do agree though that water meters should be compulsory none of this opt in nonsense, would do wanders for sales of water buts!
I believe they are compulsory on new builds.
They should be compulsory on all homes it makes no sense that you car pour hundreds of litres onto your garden and pay the same as someone who doesn’t.
Some companies have compulsory metering programmes it depends whether their area is water stressed or not and they have to have authorisation from regulators to implement such a programme, even then the scale of rollout takes many years. But yeah, I reckon its coming for the whole country sooner or later, and you're right it should.

New build homes have had meters since 1991 I believe.

If this hot weather continues some companies are going to be struggling to supply. We'll start to see some messaging/comms in the next couple days I reckon, but probably not a full on hosepipe ban quite yet. If hot weather lasts a couple of weeks more though we might see it.
Some companies have compulsory metering programmes it depends whether their area is water stressed or not and they have to have authorisation from regulators to implement such a programme, even then the scale of rollout takes many years. But yeah, I reckon its coming for the whole country sooner or later, and you're right it should.

New build homes have had meters since 1991 I believe.

If this hot weather continues some companies are going to be struggling to supply. We'll start to see some messaging/comms in the next couple days I reckon, but probably not a full on hosepipe ban quite yet. If hot weather lasts a couple of weeks more though we might see it.
Always annoys me that like everything else in the country they will Delay making a decision until it reaches tipping point and then the news will be full of pictures of half empty reservoirs instead they could be proactive now to protect water supplies for what they were intended for ie drinking!
I know it's logistically difficult - but I think pricing on water should be more dynamic. So, we should have a peak rate, and a cheap rate.

Water is a basic human right. However, filling a swimming pool during the height of a drought needs to be discouraged some how.
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