Host Required...

daz said:
It's not indicative of anything other than ratings and reviews of hosts that are (or have been) used by lots of OcUK forum members. :)

I accept your point, I wasn't trying to be difficult. I am just always wary of a review site I look at where so many companies have 10/10. They can't all be that good ;)
daz said:
It's a shame it's not slightly more objective or critical, but that's the nature of it. People tend to either give a host 1 or 2 or 3 (if they're bad) or just go for 9 or 10. In reality, there's no objective sliding scale... what does it mean if somebody gives a host a 9 instead of a 10? Or a 4 instead of a 2? :/

I agree, it's easier to see quality in a 1-5 scale, then a 1-10 scale.
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