Hostel Part 2 *spoilers*

30 Jul 2006
Leeds Booo..
Just seen this film, hadn't seen the first one, thought I'd see this to see that the fuss was about. I don't think I've got anything positive to say whatsoever except maybe acknowledge the SFX/makeup department. The rest was total tosh, took way too long to get started and rolling and when it did it was over before I knew it. Not really much variety in torture scenes and very few of them, not scary or cringeworthy in the least. Anyone who's seen both want to enlighten me to how the first one compares or have any opinions on this film?
Loved it apart from the last 5 minutes (scissors & dog) which was bordering on the stupid.

Apart from that, brilliant.

BTW: Did anyone notice the error in the lift? Y'know the bit where the tried to escape in the lift, as the lift doors opened it showed a scene with 2 guards holding dogs. The scene in the lift had a huge 'green-screen' behind it!
A random name said:
Saw this today, it was incredibly bad.

Definitely the worst film that i've seen in a long while.

Indeed i went and saw it with some mates Fri night, caught the midnight show and it was empty the cinema even though it was opening night.

But i have to say its a load of tripe unless your into blood, guts and gore which there seemed to be plenty of. **** all story line though and it just didnt make much sense.

Wonder if theres a 3rd in the offing...i hope doesnt get any worse than this..
I watched it yesterday around noon and there were 4 people watching, including myself. If you go to see it with extremely low expectations, you won't be disappointed. I wasn't expecting good acting or a clever story, just lots of gore, and that's what I got. It's one of those films you watch once and never again, unless it's on TV and nothing else is on. The gory bits were OK but most/all of the plot was fairly predictable.
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