How many members, posts and concurrent users? Those are the 3 main stats which determine the hardware you need
If your users are just viewing threads rather than all posting a lot, that'll reduce your requirements.
I'd suggest you're looking at a dedicated server with dual opterons (possibly dual dual core - not really that much extra cost, but fantastic performance), 2Gb - 4Gb RAM and hardware RAID 10 or RAID1 hard disks (SCSI if you can afford it - though RAID10 SCSI is a bit excessive

On the software side, if you run Apache you'll be wasting an awful lot of RAM. lighttpd (lightweight webserver - it rocks) + fastcgi PHP + eaccelerator (PHP script caching - save wasting time re-compiling) + memcached (supremely fantastic MySQL caching - vB support this) will give you a completely kick-ass solution. I administrate a forum using this setup (minus memcached - no need) and it's fantastic. Survived a Slashdotting on far lesser hardware than what I described above
The most important hardware factor is RAM, followed by CPUs. You don't ever want to swap to disk (it kills performance), and it's better to have more cores because that means more concurrency is possible which is Good News when there's lots of users hanging around. You might even want to consider a load-balanced setup
As for bandwidth, that depends on the size of graphics, whether you allow hosted attachments, and how many pageviews you do. But I'd guess ~300Gb - 500Gb/mo?
Also, I think it goes without saying that you don't want to even go near shared or VDS hosting for this....we host some forums with ~100 concurrent users each on our shared hosting kit, but their databases are small (ie, not many users or posts) - I'd say about 200 concurrent users is the limit really.
If you mean 2000 unique users per day as opposed to 2000 concurrent users, then you might be able to get away with a more standard hosting setup - it depends on the factors I listed at the beginning