hot swap scsi adapters.

31 Dec 2005
I tried to purchase a 80 pin to 68 pin adapter from a local store yesterday but the proprieter told me that that the U320 rated adapters do not work. He claimed that my drive (which is U320) would be limited to 80mb/s. Is this correct. I have seen many of these on the net so I'm a bit suspicious. I intend to buy a tyan server board so that I can take advantage of the pci-x slot but won't bother if using an adapter will keep my transfer rate limited.
This chestnut :) I've got the same problem where the drive is maxed out at 40MB/Sec, from what people have told me not all convertors are the same and there is no way of knowing till you buy one it seems.

I've ordered one from the states which should arrive next week I hope, has dip switches rather than jumpers (looks better quality 4th generation) and the guy assures me it will run at u320 speeds providing the rest of the chain is upto the task.

He said a lot of 1st, 2nd and 3rd generation while lvd will not.

Only have a u160 card so I hope that will be my max - I'll post back if and when it arrives.

Best bet is to buy a 68pin drive first (wish I had) but assume yours is 80pin as mine.

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