A slight divergent update...
We placed an offer for a house which was accepted. However the EA is still pushing viewers to see the house we placed on offer on. This is very bizarre as our property and the one we have placed the offer on is with the same EA.
The offer we placed had the proviso (set by the pleasant elderly woman residing there) that we can sign contracts within 2 weeks (which relies on our FTB getting mortgage sorted - we've been waiting for this since September). Our EA has told us that our FTB will have his mortgage sorted by the end of this week.
Now, this is an odd one as accepting more viewings is an obvious chance that we can be gazumped (as we offered slightly below asking price), but also, could this mean that our mutual EA believes that our FTB won't get a mortgage through, but they don't have the cajones to tell us?
The old woman in the house we placed the offer upon felt it was bad (she didn't know what to make of it, as she is a very nervous individual, she thinks either the EA thinks we are time-wasters, or that our FTB status is a ruse, or that the EA thinks she can get more money - she was basically unsure of how to proceed, and didn't want to let the EA or viewers down, so she is continuing with the viewings).
What do you think to this? EA playing gazump-time? some petty-ruse to try to get us to offer higher/more? EA thinking our FTB won't attain the mortgage? or what?