Honestly, just replace the socket, all looks fine to me, just get a half decent brand MK, Ashley/Hager, or even Click (reasonble budget choice) and avoid the unbranded or LAP stuff in screwfix. Ensure you take care about looking at terminal markings as different brands do use differnt layouts on the back, I'd normally put an unswitched one in that location (serves no purpose, and stops you finding you have left it off after you have put machine back) but doesn't matter if you use a switched one (as before) Switch off the spur above as well as the MCB, and then you won't trip the RCD off if you touch neutral and earth together while doing it.
The only thing I'd do that you wouldn't be able to is to take a quick earth loop reading and test your RCD afterwards
The only thing I'd do that you wouldn't be able to is to take a quick earth loop reading and test your RCD afterwards