Why? Homes are homes and are investments, why can't they be both? If history has shown us one steady fact it's that population and thus house prices will always rise in the long run. It's the age old saying, land is the one thing they're not making any more of.
I don't see why people like myself should not buy into the market to make money. I bought a flat rather than renting one so that I knew I wouldn't be throwing my money into black hole. I took the initiative as an 18 year old to listen to all the experienced people in my life that told me if they could go back and talk to themselves as an 18 year old they'd tell themselves to buy property.
It's true though that you can't really do anything in this country without ****ing someone off. Perhaps I should have got a girl up the duff and lived on benefit instead, or become a student and thrown my loan into alcohol and meaningless degrees. Or maybe I should have just rented and lined the pockets of some property develope... oh wait you don't like them either!
What you failed to consider, when taking this advise on board, was who the advice was coming from, and the era that these advice givers lived in.
The baby-boomer generation experienced a huge post-war boom that was sustainable and real, until the 1980s. Have a look at the UKs budget deficit from then onwards. We have been living beyond our means since the 80s. We have been expecting too much for too little.
The reality is that the property game is over. The baby boomers know nothing else, as they have precided over the boom, and because its been inflated artifically for so long, most 40+ believe that its actually real and never ending.
Every generation is different, and our generation will be paying for the baby-boomers extravagance, and lack of self control.
People like you have got caught up in the transition, and will get burnt.