How best to deal with this? (Eww pics inside)

Could you cut the parts that are hanging off off but lkeave the rest still there?
Or just rap it up ain somthing and let it grow out?
Or Melt it off
Leave it and let it heal. I done similar to my finger and i didnt lose the nail. Burst it to lose the pus when the skins dead, but dont take the nail off.
Kill with fire!

Well alchool to sterilise then give it a tug, if it feels liek its going to give pull again, if not pull harder.
Stellios said:
Leave it and let it heal. I done similar to my finger and i didnt lose the nail. Burst it to lose the pus when the skins dead, but dont take the nail off.

The nail is coming off on its own accord :/ and it doesnt help that im the sort of person who picks at scabs and presses bruises.

i would leave it how it is and maybe put something over it so you dont catch it on anything. then go see a choropodist and see what they say.

a new nail should start to grow soon and push that one up but definitely dont pull it off.
AcidHell2 said:
In that case your a man and shouldn't be asking for advice, rip it out with video evidance ;)

You'll get an after pic but no video evidence, by the looks of things ill need both hands to pull it off!

KaHn said:
The nail is coming off on its own accord :/ and it doesnt help that im the sort of person who picks at scabs and presses bruises.


KaHn, have you tryed peeling it back slightly, if so does it hurt?
KaHn said:
The nail is coming off on its own accord :/ and it doesnt help that im the sort of person who picks at scabs and presses bruises.


Then if you just ket it run its course it will just fall off.
Its perfectly natural.

Also try heating up a needle and put a hole inthe top of the nail to let all the blood/pus out so it can heel quicker
Put it under you pillow and if your a lucky boy the toenail fairy will come in the night and punch you in the face for posting such a rank pic :p I feel sick

Or just cut the toe off and start again.
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