How best to deal with this? (Eww pics inside)

[ASSE]Hinchy said:
Think its a bit late now, its been like this for about 2 months lol.

The girlfriend's mum is a surgeon and she said that the new nail growth will just fall off and take some of the crap with it, so its all good hopefully!

just remember in future to clean it, mine was only half my nail aswell this time.

Doohickey said:
I think I've missed the boat, but you should chop it off, nail it to a frisbee, and fling it over a rainbow.

Always wanted to say that.

No rainbows around here im afraid, its always sunny in south shields :D

DJammyRasta said:
just read this entire thread... and it was nasty as hell ..... i was almost feeling faint from the first pictures (a more manly kind of faint, like aids or somethin) but nicely done on ripping it off.

i remember one i dropped a large bottle of frozen milk on my toe... after a couple of weeks the nail fell off naturally, my worst would be when i caught my finger in the spokes of my bike, that tore a perfectly healthy nail right off!! :eek:

and Hinchy, seriously fire and lots of it for the win :D

A bit of an update, IT ****** CANES TO WALK ON IT!

Seriously I am staying in the bloody house now until it heals, never walking again!

Hedge said:
ive just had another scan through the pics with my lass...

nick you are one twisted mofo. totally gross dude :(

hehe, i have a sick sense of pain and stuff :)

glad rae liked it.

Zip said:
On google or these forums? :confused:
I know there used to be a poster called broadband or do you mean just broadband in itself

the user broadband, but google it and you will find the world famour broadband.

jcb33 said:
Meh i wouldent do it..... trust me when i say toes = very painfull, especialy if they get infected :eek: and even more so if u have to have bits of them removed in hospital because of the infection *Shudders* never again will i pick an ingrowing toe nail.... i now have a dented toe with no nail :eek:

I've dont it already, dont worry i know how to keep it clean, take yesterday for example, saline solution, dried it, iodine patch on, sterile gause, and then a plaster.

repeat today and 2morro and the next week or so.

jcb33 said:
Hmm i thought this thready only went upto page 3..... i need sleep :(

heh them pics are prety pwnage..... dam how deep does that look lmao

its not very deep, just the toe nail ripped off a large area of skin, hence the blood.

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